Butt-Hurt Trump Takes to Twitter Again (Part 1)

You know, when everyone in the free world is biased against you, perhaps the problem is that you’re a dipshit.

Awwwwww…he looks so sad. Such a delicate snowflake.

I’d say he’s gonna release it in two weeks, but…um…

DJT haz a sad. :slightly_frowning_face:

Now trump is attempting to spin it as a “gotcha” moment for their side. 60 Minutes will be required watching this Sunday:

Wow, I hadn’t seen a lower lip that big since my son was two, and I told him he couldn’t have cookies for dinner.

That interview worked out so much better in his head.

And after Donny Two-scoops harped on CNN for being ‘dumb bastards’ for continuing to talk about COVID, Brianna Keilar had this response.

Poor Liddle’ Donnie.

Nice use of the hyphen.


(Shut the fuck up, Discourse!)

I learned from the master’hyphenator!



Trump’s tweet confuses me. It appears that he thinks this:


is a word, not to be confused with either “Liddle” or “little.”

Is he thinking of Lil’ Abner or something?

Isn’t it Li’l Abner?

Maybe he’s thinking of Mother Hitton’s Littul Kittons

The misspelling is essential.

@Manduck - You’re right. The apostrophe makes more sense inside the word, as it represents the missing T sound.

You’re talking about Trump, the guy that couldn’t find his own ass with two hands. He doesn’t know what a hypen is. He’s a moron. And he wasn’t “thinking”.

Yeah, but SOMETHING has to have been wafting through that wispy cloud that passes for his brain. It is apparent from his tweet that he believes Liddle’ means something. The question is, what?

Asking what DJT means by something? Turn back! Down that way lies madness! :scream:

Omg, my head hurts from reading that. Its’ It’s so hard to keep up! Thanks for the explanation.

We’re following the precipitous mental decline of the leader of the free world in realtime, ever rushing faster and faster.