Buttigieg caught staging a blatant photo Op. (Debunked)

Human Foibles goes in Mundane? This one is a doozy. :smirk:

Our Eco buddy Buttigieg rides in a SUV and stops 2 blocks from the Senate. Then his bodyguard unloads the bike for him and adjusts the seat.

Our Eco hero rides 2 blocks to reach the cameras.:sweat_smile:

That’s priceless.

I support Environmental causes. I wish Buttigieg would Walk the Talk. A lot of environmentalists do take it very seriously.

The video is so revealing and hilarious.

So what’s an unstaged photo op?

Well, Senator Biden took the Train to work for many years. That wasn’t staged. He actually commuted to work. Traveling from Wilmington, Delaware, to Washington

Buttigieg didn’t even break a sweat.

Jimmy Carter set the White House thermostats low and wore sweaters. That’s been confirmed. Some people act on their beliefs.

According to that, Reagan, a Republican, then came in and was all “Burn, baby, burn.”

New Administration, New Rules.

I’ve read Obama is sensitive to cold and kept the WH very warm. That’s his personal choice.

I’m the same way. I get chilled easily and shake. I keep the thermostat up in the winter. I offset the energy use because I like it warm in the summer and use very little AC.


In a video captured by CNN White House correspondent DJ Judd, the security personnel are seen removing the bike from the back of the vehicle. A pair of SUVs then followed close behind Buttigieg as he biked toward his destination.

A longer video posted by local news outlet WFMZ-TV provided additional footage of the security personnel unloading the bike. A third video uploaded by SCOTUS Blog staffer Katie Barlow showed Buttigieg biking out of the complex.

Looks like there might be security concerns in terms of biking the whole way.

What I came in to say. He made a token bike ride, which beats being beaten or shot by some right wing wacko. I would imagine his security detail told him “no”. And yes, they can do that and he’s obliged to obey them, as is the President.

Is Buttigieg really that high profile? It’s my understanding that most politicians and Judges don’t get Secret Service protection.

There are exceptions like Pelosi, Schumer and McConnell that get a lot of nuts threatening them.

Remember the shooting at the baseball practice? There was only a couple of Capital cops there guarding the House Minority leader. The other politicians didn’t have security.

I think we’d be wise not to discount the whole LGBTQ thing.

I’ve heard this still rankles some social conservatives … somewhere.

I’ve heard this. Yep. Indeed, I have.

His security detail is not necessarily Secret Service.

If Clinton could go jogging, a Cabinet member can go bike riding.

Indeed. In fact, Biden was often shown riding his bike extensively during the campaign.

Several significant things – that bear on security for high-level Administration people – have changed since Clinton was in office, though.

ETA: January 6th is probably the most important among them, given its recency and severity.

How about this one? Snapped from across the street by a barista at work after a town hall visit to the Woody Guthrie museum.

Yeah I like Pete. And MAYBE recent events have caused higher security needs. But yes presidents have jogged or even mountain biked. If security mandates that you can’t commute by bike then you don’t commute by bike. But bike a token two blocks?

No good spin of that.

It was definitely an unforced error, at best.

That wasn’t a photo op. My point was that a photo op is by definition staged. When an American president invites the press corps into the Oval Office as he’s sitting there meeting with a foreign leader, that’s a photo op. No one thinks they’re conducting high level diplomatic negotiations while the press is there. When the mayor of your town invites the media to see him/her clearing trash from the park, that’s a photo op. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

You are correct, it is not Secret Service. His security is handled by the Protective Services Division of the Department of Transportation. It is mind boggling how many different federal law enforcement agencies there are.

Not snarking here, and I agree the bike-riding thing was a misfire, but how do you know Buttigieg doesn’t offset the energy use in some other ways, just as you do? I’m not sure the not-really-biking thing is an indication that he doesn’t Walk the Talk. What is his home thermostat set at? What kind of vehicle does he drive?

I hope Pete is doing what he can to conserve at home.

This is a minor PR stumble. He’ll learn from it and handle his image better.