Buy Three, Get Four More Free

Beard! Oh wait, hmmm… that wouldn’t actually work, aw heck, I’ll stick with it. Beard!

You know congodwarf, I was wondering about that the other day. I was always told never to mess around with mailboxes because they’d send you to prison. And the missing kids fliers are awful.

hillbilly queen, I went to junior high with a girl who looked like Yoda’s younger sister. She was a light toasty brown though.

So swaaaampy, why don’t you have this little drinky poo I’ve got extra, and tell me some more about these outfits people were wearing. Mr. Gonzales was seen leaving the drycleaners (down on main? Right next to the shoe repair shop, not the one next to that feed store) with some black satin chaps. But he doesn’t own a horse! I know!

Lissla, I think I love your stores’ owner. ‘You stop that in my store!’ But the full moon was a couple three or so days ago. It was very yellow and was trying to get into my room with it’s bad dreams beams. Honest, I felt it beating against the window. You guys notice this too, right?

Happy Anniversary DogParents! And I’ve got my fingers crossed for your dad, taters. I like 'em when they’re grumpy, stubborn and goofy on pills.

Wait! I mixed my movies with short aliens. She looked like E.T. Which we never mentioned because she was great and practically the only kid worth knowing at that school. Plus, her brother’s name was BenGay.

Just before I left work, there was a guy outside the coffeeshop next door, sitting on a bench. He had a large iguana on his lap. It was wearing a sparkly necklace. My mananger pulled all of us outside to see it. There’s a girl in the neighbourhood who walks around with a leashed bunny on her shoulder, too. It’s cute.
I have tried the grapefruit-soda-lime-juice-vodka thing. It is very good. I think I will have another one.

A place I once worked at had a UPS driver who’s name was Ben Gay.

I put my boy bunny on a leash sometimes so he can nibble the grass outside. My girl bunny would bite my fingers off if I even tried to put one on her.

Happy anniversary, DogParents – I see I’m just squeaking in under the wire. That’s what I get for (gasp) working all day.

You may not want to copy my sign-making talents after all, Swampy – apparently I’m not as talented as I’d hoped. My house is on the market and was being shown. Since if we ever had a key for the lock in our front doorknob I don’t know where it is and so I just use the deadbolt, I made a sign that I hang at eye level directly above the doorknob and deadbolt whenever the house is being shown that says, “Please DO NOT lock doorknob – lock deadbolt ONLY!”

So just as I’m pulling out my driveway with my dogs, who like to bark with mindless joy at anyone coming to the house so I have to take them away when people are coming to see the place, the realtor pulls up. I stop and TELL her about the no-locking-the-doorknob thing. Plus, of course, there’s my sign.

So when I get home, what do I find? Front door deadbolt, unlocked. Front doorknob, locked. :smack:

Maybe my inch-high letters on the sign aren’t visible enough. I’ll make 'em TWO inches high for the next showing. And then probably still end up giving myself a :smack: over the :wally of a realtor. Sigh.

I have been busy, busy, busy since I last posted today. I decided my room and closet needed a real good going over and rearranging. The closet is done, but my room and dresser are not. I need to figure out how to shove all of Mr. Taters’ jammies, t-shirts, and shorts in the dresser and still have some drawers left over for me. He seems to have taken over the whole damn dresser and there are nine drawers in it!

I also cleaned out and rearranged my linen closet. I had purchased some of those space saver bags a couple of months ago expressly for this purpose. Those things are great. I can’t believe how much space I have in my linen closet now and I still have bags I can use. My linen closet is fairly roomy, but it’s amazing how much space blankets and comforter take up. I managed to get two whole shelves worth of blankets on half of one shelf.

Well, that was my mundane afternoon and evening. Between all that I cooked up a slab of ribs on the grill and made some wild rice (it’s all I had) to go with them. The ribs were tasty and juicy. After cooking and eating I went and changed all the sheets on everyone’s beds and started yet another load of laundry. I am the laundry queen!. I wash and dry and wash and dry and wash and dry and wash and dry and the piles of laundry just NEVER, NEVER, NEVER go away.

My plans for the rest of this week consist of going to work and coming home and working on cleaning the whole upstairs of my house top to bottom during the evenings. This weekend I can work on the bottom half. I am being a mean mommy and am making the the kids clean their rooms top to bottom, to include closets and underneath bed. They have been instructed to bag up and throw out any clothes that are too small or torn. Well, the torn clothes will be tossed, the too small, but still decent looking clothes will be donated.

I think I’m gonna watch some TV before I go to bed now.

Speaking of bizarre but amusing vertically challegened persons, I submit this quote from The Boy this evening*:
“I have opposable thumbs and I’m not afraid to use them!”

*This came on the heels of much etymological discussion over things such as the word “whelm” and what opposable thumbs are.

I’m home - at least for a little while. I have an appointment in just under 2 hours to get my “Check Engine” light problem checked. Whether I go to work or not depends on how quickly they can fix it. Meanwhile, I’m in my robe, unshowered so far, with a nasty bug bite on my left foot that I got just this morning when I took the dog out. Stoopit bug.

Last night, my husband and I were laughing again about his phone conversation with my office mate. He wants Office Mate’s phone number so he can call and yank his chain again. So it appears I both live with and work with total nutcases! Ex-submarine sailor nutcases, to boot!

That’s all I’ve got this morning. It’s early and my brain isn’t in gear yet. Happy Tuesday, all!

Y’all remeber me talking about my granny, the one with the severe case of 98 that I was obsessing about when I went to Indiana to gradjeeate? Last night, I got The Phone Call from my sister. I was surprised that she lasted almost 2 months after I saw her, but then I seem to be a descendent of some extremely stubborn women.

I’m torn about going funeralizing. Grandma would tell me not to waste my money, but I’d counter that the airfare, etc., to go to her final sendoff would be well spent. I’m mostly recovered from my surgery, but that’s a consideration, too. Oh well, I have until this evening to figger out if I’m going.

If I seem to be taking this lightly, it’s because I did all the emotional heavywork back in May when I saw her…

Ashes[sup]2[/sup], if you think Mr. Gonzales’ satin chaps are weird, listen to this! Mrs. Gonzales was seen down at the Feed and Seed (the one just off Elm Street) buying a bridle and saddle. And you’re right they don’t own a horse. Not only that, I hear there are many, many hooks in the ceiling right over their bed. Of course everybody knows neither one of them likes hanging plants, so what’s up with that! Big Leather Bubba and Jose were seen purchasing matching buttless chaps at Miss Ellie’s Boutique and Leather Goods Emporium last week. Rumor has it they’re anniversary presents for the Gonzales’s, but you didn’t hear that from me.

Taters glad to hear your dad’s doing better. Grumpy is always a good sign.

I have discovered that Twuck has a clogged fuel line. Poor Twuck! He’s at the Twuck clinic (aka the mechanic’s) gettin’ unclogged today. Twuck, for those of you who don’t pay attention, is what I call my lil’ Chevy S10 baby truck.

My old S10, the one that the NerdMobile replaced just last week, had even the shiny bits painted black. I had a custom airbrushed plate on the front that read “The Hostile Amishman”. I almost picked that as my handle over VunderBob…

I’m sorry for your loss, **Bob./{b} She sure sounded like a nice lady when you were telling us about her.

Lissla Lissar, I believe it was a full moon this weekend. And how! Everyone around here is cranky, cranky, cranky.

Happy belated anniversary dog 'rents! Mr. Anachi and I will be celebrating our 15th come August. That makes it officially longer than my marriage to the Klingon. Not that that’s hard to comprehend.

taters, glad pop is doing okay.

[tangent] I am DONE, DONE, DONE!! with rain. By now I’m sure all our trees are floating on mud and a simple squall will probably scatter them like pickup sticks. All you western state people please inhale in unison and suck this damn humidity away from here. Thank you. [/tangent]

swampy, the Gonzaleses are starting to oogie me out. :stuck_out_tongue: Aren’t they a tad elderly for that kind of shenanigans? goes off looking for mind bleach :wink:

bob, go to the funeral as long as you don’t think it’ll be too much of a physical drain. Just my two cents.

That’s all I got for now.


Back from the shop - I’ve made an executive decision not to go into work today because by the time I get there, I’d only have about three anna half hours to work - hardly worth the gas and toll.

My check engine light was caused by a misfire on Cylinder #5. They recommended new plugs and wires to the tune of $379. Since it’s driveable, I declined for now, but I did bow to their recommendation for new fuel and air filters. So it was a $120 morning. Woohoo.

Bob, so sorry about the phone call, but it’s great you got to see her a few months back. I can’t remember the last time I saw my grandmother before she died - on the other hand, all my memories of her are of a lively, funny, spoiling lady rather than the sad, dependent soul after her stroke… The last thing I did for her was to serve as a pallbearer.

Bob I missed your earlier post about your grandmother. I’m so sorry. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I say go to the funeral if you’re physically and emotionally up to it. Funerals do a lot to bring closure. Again, I’m so sorry for your loss.

It’s rainy here today and that has brought out all the craziness. I’m real close to seeing if I can find a tranquilizer gun and just going around shootin’ people with it. GRRRRRR

puggy the Gonzales’s like to keep a little “spark” goin’. We just wish they’d remember to close the curtains first is all.

V-Bob, I am very sorry to hear of your loss. Please accept my condolences.

DogMom, happy belated anniversary! I’m sorry I missed that yesterday when I posted.

We’re still waiting for summer here. Rain and clouds, all the time, especially on the weekends. I think we’ve been spoiled these past few summers. I mean, come on, it’s just about friggin’ July and we haven’t seen more than a day or two of 75 degree weather. I told Mr. Taters we’re having a crappy weather summer because we bought a boat. If we wouldn’t have purchased that damn boat it would be nice weather and we’d be crying that we need rain. We’re just never happy, are we?

Well, since I missed work yesterday, I need to get cracking on some projects here.

Well, they should be more careful. Look what happened to this couple:

Upon hearing that her elderly grandfather had just passed away, Katie went straight to her grandparent’s house to visit her 95 year old grandmother and comfort her. When she asked how her grandfather had died,her grandmother replied, "He had a heart attack while we were making love on Sunday morning.

Horrified, Katie told her grandmother that 2 people nearly 100 years old having sex would surely be asking for trouble. “Oh no, my dear,” replied granny. “Many years ago, realizing our advanced age we figured out the best time to do it was when the church bells would start to ring. It was just the right rhythm. Nice and slow and even. Nothing too strenuous, simply in on the Ding and out on the Dong.” She paused to wipe away a tear, and continued, “He’d still be alive if the ice cream truck hadn’t come along.”

Hah! That’s great, Tupug!
My sympathy, bob. She souded like a cool lady.

Morni… Afternoon, everyone! I did not get up at 11:55, out of sheer laziness! Now it’s lunch, laundry, and then trying to guilt our friend who’s coming to visit into grocery shopping with me.

I don’t have to work today! Woohoo!