A short time ago I asked about selling a car. Well, it’s gone. I didn’t end up selling it myself, but a dealer offered almost as much for trade in as we were hoping to get for it privately (couple hundred difference) so we accepted.I was actually very relieved to not have to sell it myself - I am not a salesman in the least! This way was fairly low hassle.
So now I have a pre-owned car in mind that I want. I’ve scoured the internet and have found a few that I really like. The one I really want is at a dealer in GA; I’m in WI.
My questions for those of you who have done this:
Do you find a local mechanic to inspect it? Or are pre-owned cars from dealers (it is a Subaru dealer if it matters; not just a used-car lot) generally trustworthy? The Carfax report looks good; one owner, passed inspections, no accidents etc. How do you find a trusty mechanic in an area you are not familiar with?
How do taxes work? I have bought cars in MN when I lived in WI before, and I just paid WI taxes on the car. However, I saw an ad for a car in FL that stated that if the car was purchased in FL and driven out of FL (as opposed to being shipped to wherever), they have to charge FL tax. So would I have to pay that and WI taxes/fees when I applied for plates here?
I bought my car over the internet…and within one calender year a head gasket broke, then the timing belt snapped and ruined the rest of the engine, my transmission went out (had to get a brand new one) and the computer doesn’t totally work even today.
I love my car, but if not for that warranty, it would be an absolute money pit.
I’ve purchased 2 vehicles on eBay, both from small dealers. One was from Florida and he also said that he had to collect tax for Oklahoma. When I went to transfer the title, the tax that I had paid in Florida did me no good. I don’t know what happened to that money but I don’t think the dealer pocketed it.
I didn’t order an inspection on either vehicle although I know there are companies that will do it for about $100. I guess that I’ve been lucky both times. With eBay, at least you have other people’s feedback to review before purchasing.
One thing I worry about is that many car sites warn against Katrina damaged cars, but don’t really go into depth about how to guarantee you don’t buy one. Would a Carfax report show this damage? FTR, I’m looking at 2005-2006 model year cars, so hopefully a car that recent would have good records still.
Never mind that last part, I found a site that will check the VIN against those of vehicles known to be flood-damaged in recent hurricanes - also stolen or salvaged vehicles.
Yes, I paid it twice. The dealer tried to help me out. He asked what our state tax rate was and I guessed around 4.5%. He put 3% down on the form.
I drove both cars home (one from Orlando and the other from Baltimore) to Oklahoma without any non-weather related problems. (We did get stuck on a closed interstate overnight due to a freak snow storm in Tennessee). I’ve read too many bad reviews of auto shippers to want to take that chance.