Buying hyperinflation bills

As a “white elephant” prize for an upcoming board game day*, I’m thinking of awarding a hyperinflation note, like a Zimbabwe 50 Trillion Dollar Bill or Yugoslavian 50 Billion Dinar bill.

Some googling found some sites, but I’m wondering if anyone knows which are relaiable. I want the money to be REAL**, and theoretically tradable in for the exchange rate (even if if that is 1 cent), but will pay more than that to buy it (< $10)


  • The theme being games where money is one way to get vicroty points. For Example: Brass, 7 Wonders, even Railways of the World (one of the Baron cards gives you VP if you are the richest)

** Since there is no Yugoslavia, not sure the exchageability of those dollars

The Zimbabwe note would be your best choice. While it is technically exchangeable today, it isn’t in practicality.

Some clarification on “real” - “technically tradable” is good enough.


I’m not quite clear on the status of the Zimbabwe dollar. It was abandoned as the official currency in 2009, so I believe it is no longer available for exchange (except as a collectors item), but I’m not sure.

It seems the best bet may be the Vietnamese dong. (Good luck getting Somalian currency.)

I would love a $100,000,000,000,000 zimbabwean dollar bill!!!

I’ve got a few of the $100 trillion notes from ebay just as a novelty. They are worthless.

I have some German hyperinflation money from the 1920’s. It’s kinda cool to see the same coin go from 50 pfennig, to 500 marks, to (Aluminum) 50 million marks.

I wouldn’t mind buying some of these for my coin collection.