By baby belongs to NAMBLA

That would of course be The National Association of Marlon Brando Look Alikes. She’s got the jowls, the round face, the slightly downturned corners of the mouth… The resemblence is uncanny. And just this morning, I woke up with a horse’s head in my bed. (Granted it was a toy horse head, and the rest of the horse was still attached, but still… It’s the same thing, right?)

Oh, come on! You can’t make such a claim with a cite!

Pics, man (woman?), pics! It’s the Doper Baby/Kitten Picture Rule #42!

My son looked like Phil Collins at that age.
He’s improved since then, thank goodness.

Where’s a good place to host a photo? (I’ll have to dig through them. When she smiles the resemblence is no where to be seen, and we try to get her to smile for photos.)

flickr is easy to use, though there is a 20 MB/day bandwidth cap.