Car taxes go up, GOP promises court challenge, initiative
Contrary to what some folks might believe, Californians are NOT made of money. How on earth do they expect us to be able to pay our car tax at triple the rate?!
Car taxes go up, GOP promises court challenge, initiative
Contrary to what some folks might believe, Californians are NOT made of money. How on earth do they expect us to be able to pay our car tax at triple the rate?!
Maybe getting Grey Davis out of office will be a start.
According to some State Rep. named Torres. (Sorry, I didn’t catch it all.) This entire recall is an evil scheme by George Bush to take over California before the 2004 elections and to smear the good name of Grey Davis. So pay up buddy. It’s your civic duty.
I want some Californians who voted for Grey Davis to tell me why we shouldn’t recall him. After the debacle of the electric deregulation. The budget problems. Plus the smear campaign of the last election that he conducted.
Plus he just looks doofy.
I’m not a big fan of Davis, but I still think he’s just a poor schmuck who just happened to be standing in front of the fan when the shit hit it.
I mean, it’s not like California is the only state that’s having economic problems – blame that all on the crumbling economy, specifically on Bush’s tax cuts and the war with Iraq (where are those WMDs?).
As for electricity deregulation, IIRC the whole idea came under his predecessor’s term in office – Pete Wilson lit the fuse, then left office before the bomb blew up. Then we had Enron’s well-publicized manipulation of the California energy market, and the Federal Government’s complicity in their shenanagans (remember when Dick Cheney blamed us for using too much electricity, instead?).
The recall effort smells too much like the typical GOP dirty tricks to me. They couldn’t win an election the legitimate way (Simon over Riordan? What were they thinking???), so they have to lie, cheat, and steal the governor’s office yet again.
Yeah, Davis does look goofy. But that’s no reason to blame him for the screwups of others.
the energy deregulation was before the last election, there were also budget woes then as well. He may suck (and does) but his opponent sucked worse, and ran a terrible campaign (i probably could have beat Davis, and i wouldn’t have had the residency requirements to run then!). This latest attempt is a ploy by that car alarm idiot to try to grab a seat in the capitol (and if Davis does get a recall, i hope Schwarzenegger wipes the floor with car alarm boy. And not just because i hate car alarms and think they should be banned)
Because I don’t see a better candidate.
cough Pete Wilson cough. Although I’ll grant you that Grey didn’t exactly handle the issue with grace, he didn’t create the problem in the first place.
Which we’d be weathering much better if we hadn’t spent our surplus on the debacle of the electric deregulation.
Smear campaign? Doesn’t that imply lying? His opponent was on trial for shady buisiness dealings DURING AND ELECTION, it doesn’t take a whole lot to smear that.
But his strategy was brilliantly evil. Pay for attack ads against Riorden during the primary, so he’d get to face the more-easily-beatable Simon in the real thing.
I heard on KGO the other day a representative of the GOP saying that recalling Davis at this time would be a bad idea, as it would just place another Dem in his seat. How true this is I don’t know.
This person also stated, quite reasonably, that a recall is an extreme measure and not to be taken lightly as a method of changing representation.
As for the OP, I’m pretty livid about the car registration hike. Then again, I fear further cuts to education funding if it’s slapped down.
What an asshole. Let’s punish the evil legislature by taking away the existing revenue. When I was a kid, I thought the California referendum system was brilliant, “democracy at work.” Kids* are idiots.
*and Republicans
Well, it is a somewhat ‘progressive’ tax – the more your car is worth the higher tax you pay. Some (probably poor) person driving an old klunker doesn’t pay that much.
And as a proportion of the value of a car or car payments, it’s peanuts.
That having been said, yeah, it pisses me off, too.