California Dopers: What can you tell me about Pomona?

Someone close to me is thinking of moving there. This is a young person whom I feel very protective of. Please tell me anything you think is relevant. Thanks.

I haven’t lived in the area, but the LA County Fair Grounds are there.
The areas in Pomona I have driven through vary from middle to way upper middle (7 figure homes)
Cal Poly has a campus there.
Overall I would say a good area to live.

the only thing I know about Pomona: WINTERNATIONALS!

I owned a home there for a few months. There are some fairly scummy parts of Pomona, and some very upper class neighborhoods. It’s a really old, established city, relatively speaking. As was mentioned, the LA County Fairgrounds are there, which hosts events all the time. There are two commuter rail stations in different parts of the city. Downtown Pomona has undergone renovations in the last few years that have made it fairly hip (the old Fox Theater was restored recently and now hosts major music artists for intimate concerts).

The street I lived on ws a beautiful tree-lined street that featured houses primarily built in the 50s, with several residents who were original owners. I was the second owner of my home. The original occupants lived there until they passed away.

And on the other hand, there are parts of Pomona I wouldn’t walk in at night. Lots of possibilities for your friend.

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What Asimovian said is still true, as of about a year ago. Pockets of scary, but generally a very typical SoCal city that is near-ish LA.

Lots of chain stores and restaurants along the freeways, commuting is big, plenty of history showcased, up and coming if you look for it and don’t mind a bit of travel.

Your friend should do fine unless hopelessly naive and reckless.

Too far inland.

I think that quote is a perfect summation.

And if it’s relevant, I lived in and spent my time in that general area of the SGV/IE between 1998 and 2009, and was a homeowner in the city of Pomona itself between May 2009 and June 2010. Tell your friend to hit up Johnny’s on Garey and Arrow for some great burgers. :slight_smile:

As above, plenty of variance in neighborhood. Johnny’s is OK, but you have The Hat nearby as well. I did graduate work at Cal Poly a few years back, so that part of the city I know fairly well.

I grew up there but moved away in '89. Home of the Los Angeles County Fair which really spoils you if you move away. I always laugh and say the fair here has a carousel, 3 pigs and a quilt. Pomona isn’t a bad place at all if you stay out of the bad neighborhoods, like anywhere. Tell them to be sure to go get some Mexican carry out food from Juanita’s on Indian Hill. (YUM).

Mmm. The Hat is probably my favorite burger joint (and I hear their pastrami is fairly well known too).

As to the OP - I have a friend that currently owns a home in Pomona and it is in a very beautiful mid-range neighborhood. I always love going up there and have yet to have any problems with Pomona.

There’s a state college there.

Mention my name in Pomona,
It’s the greatest little town in the world!
I know the big shots in the City Hall–
They even got my picture on the post office wall!
So mention my name in Pomona,
And if you ever get in a spat
Just mention my name, I said mention my name–
But please don’t tell them where I’m at!

While the teletypes are talkin’ and the sirens roar–
I’ll be hoppin’ on a freighter for a foreign shore!

The only thing I know about Pomona is that newcomers to L.A. sometimes call it Ramona.

Fresh off his annual Christmas Eve viewing of Die Hard