Ah, the first day of new classes. So bright, filled with the future…and one of the stupidest exercises I’ve ever seen.
My Political Science professor here decided to give us a true/false quiz on stupid laws in America. We’ve all heard them (the penalty for jumping off a building in New York is death, etc.) and I did pretty well debunking myths. But there’s one that we touched on that I have incentive to find the truth on.
Is it true that, in California, it is illegal for a woman to wear a housecoat while driving?
I know it sounds dumb, but these are state legislatures we’re talking about. We also need to do a paper for the end of the class – he informed us that should any of us find the history and discuss the “housecoat issue” he would, quote, “look favorably” on the paper.
I thank you all in advance…