Calorad, Body Solutions, lose weight while you sleep, blah blah blah...

I can’t turn on a radio without being barraged with these ads every few minutes. Is this a national phenomenon or just for the benefit of us gullible Mid-Westerners?

Google didn’t come up with much discounting the products except for and . Both sites offer damning evidence that these weight loss systems are harmless yet bogus and expensive. Why aren’t there more professionals coming out against them? Too much money being made?

Many of the local radio personalities are supposedly participating in these programs with great success. Should I now lose all respect for these folks and write them off as greedy bastards?
The Real Question:

Do you know of anyone having success on these programs?

My guess is that if I would give up eating my fattening late night snacks and drink a glass of water before going to bed, I’d lose some weight.

Have you or anyone you know tried these products? If so, what were the results?

I’ve come out against them, at this very SDMB. Isn’t that good enough?

Qadgop, MD

Yikes! Which thread? I searched every way from Sunday!

…I mean, the instructions are “take a tablespoon three hours after eating, right before you go to bed”. Hey, I’ll bet a pretty good percentage of overweight people would lose some weight just by not eating during the three hours before going to bed. I know with me, that’s prime time for an unhealthy snack.

I dunno. It might have been the thread where I started by lamenting that my computer wasn’t working right, but then it veered off into the mighty strength of my colon, and the ability to crack walnuts with one’s buttocks. Not one of my more notable threads. Oh well, they can’t all be gems. Even unka Cecil has had his less than sterling moments (I’m thinking of the probability fiasco re: Door number 1,2,or 3).

Also, with body solutions, not only can you not eat 3 hours before taking it, but you are not supposed to drink anything besides water 3 hours before taking it. You cannot have a glass of wine before going to bed, you cannot sit on your back porch and enjoy a beer. Nope, just water. No wonder it works! (supposedly)

I was about to start this very thread (I hate those commercials!), until I gave the problem some thought. And Speleophile’s answer is the one I came up with, too. I might try doing it (not the Body Solutions, the not eating for three hours before bed thing) as an experiment.

–I know a radio salesman who went on one of those diets and lost over 100 pounds. His image even became a “before” and “after” newspaper ad.
After he got off the system he gained every pound back.

I have a distaste for those commercials from the OTHER side of the picture. A radio salesperson who isn’t hitting his/her quota will accept this advertising after talking some announcer into being the next guinea pig. The announcer might even be made to feel that not going along with the program is not being “part of the team” and their very job might be threatened.

Why I don’t like this? It isn’t like cutting a commercial or doing a remote. This is altering your LIFE for 6 months so a sales weasel can make a commission.
Anyhoo, as I have witnessed them, the announcer will lose weight by consuming less calories than he/she burns(which is how weight loss works)and feel hungry for 6 months.
After it’s all over the announcer will proudly talk about maintaining their new weight…but so far I haven’t seen it.

I guess some overweight types feel like if we’re not paying for a magic pill, packaged food or easy program, it’s not going to work.

Of course, I could start a regimen of exercise and healthy eating for free and even save money on my food bill. I simply lack the self-motivation to do that. It’s far easier to pay someone to give me false hope. A pill needs to be evented that’ll make me want to exercise.

I should write a book about a new diet that actually generates income while you lose weight. It’s called “The Don’t Eat So Much, Exercise and Put the Money You Save on Food into a CD - Diet” shortened to “Dollaradd.”

I can see it now. Announcers up and down the dial could be giving updates about all the pounds and inches they’re losing and then go on to give account balances. Fat people everywhere would be busting down the doors to buy my book. Hmmm…

From the casual knowledge that I picked up reading these posts (I try to ignore silly crap like those commercials) it sounds like it might work, but you’ll probably regain it after six months. Why? Because you won’t do anything athletic. Why? Because you never had to do anything athletic.

The fastest way to lose weight is to diet and do cardio every day. The healthiest way to lose weight is to diet and lift weights or to diet and do weights and cardio. This is the reason it’s healther:

Dieting - thirty percent of weight lost is muscle.
Dieting and cardio - twenty-two percent of weight lost is muscle
Dieting and weights - three percent of weight lost is muscle
Dieting and weights and cardio - ditto

That was garnered from:

That’s the reason why top bodybuilders don’t increase their cardio to get down to three percent bodyfat. They withhold carbs to put their body into ketosis, causing it to use the last of its fat for energy.

These programs sound self-defeating to me, because the people probably won’t have the discipline to maintain the diet afterwards (which might not even be healthy in the long run, considering the muscle loss) and because the people really didn’t have to alter their lifestyle to get there. They won’t be able to maintain it without a more athletic lifestyle.