Calvin & Hobbes movie?

According to a Dutch newspaper, Bill Watterson is working on a Calvin & Hobbes movie !!!


By the way, here in the lower lands, they are called Casper & Hobbes. Could this be because one of the main churches here, the ‘Gereformeerde Kerk’ is Calvinistic?

Anyway, the paper has a website here, but I couldn’t find the article. In the hardcopy version it’s on the top left of page 13. According to the paper, the article is from the newsservice Novum, which has a website here, but again, nada.

According to the paper, Watterson is working on the movie alone, and there are no big studios involved.

On the one hand, I find the whole thing a little hard to believe, considering Watterson’s position on the ‘exploitation’ of his characters. On the other hand, they clearly state there are no studios involved, so who knows …

Oh god, please let it be true, and please let it be a good movie !!! How many people wanna bet this could be one of the biggest-grossing movies ever, if done right !!!


Er, Hobbes is real, right?
I mean he looks like a stuffed tiger to otheres because of his secret identity like Batman or something, right?

I dunno, as much as I love Calvin and Hobbes, I think a movie would ruin the mystery and fantasy that makes the strip so much fun.

Plus, like the OP mentioned, knowing Bill Watterson’s stance on such things, I find the idea especially hard to believe. I’ll put this one in the rumor file.

The rumored movie is already being discussed here and was mentioned here, too.

carnivorousplant, Watterson said in the 10th anniversary book that he’s not much interested in clearing up the question of Hobbes’ reality:

Sounds like Batman to me!

Ain’t It Cool News has an article about it:

Whoever greenlights this project is so on my list.