According to a Dutch newspaper, Bill Watterson is working on a Calvin & Hobbes movie !!!
By the way, here in the lower lands, they are called Casper & Hobbes. Could this be because one of the main churches here, the ‘Gereformeerde Kerk’ is Calvinistic?
Anyway, the paper has a website here, but I couldn’t find the article. In the hardcopy version it’s on the top left of page 13. According to the paper, the article is from the newsservice Novum, which has a website here, but again, nada.
According to the paper, Watterson is working on the movie alone, and there are no big studios involved.
On the one hand, I find the whole thing a little hard to believe, considering Watterson’s position on the ‘exploitation’ of his characters. On the other hand, they clearly state there are no studios involved, so who knows …
Oh god, please let it be true, and please let it be a good movie !!! How many people wanna bet this could be one of the biggest-grossing movies ever, if done right !!!
I dunno, as much as I love Calvin and Hobbes, I think a movie would ruin the mystery and fantasy that makes the strip so much fun.
Plus, like the OP mentioned, knowing Bill Watterson’s stance on such things, I find the idea especially hard to believe. I’ll put this one in the rumor file.