Camera Lenses

I want to buy an adjustable zoom ( closer than 80mm i.e. 70-120 or some sch) for my Minolta Maxxum… when should i buy it? What should i get? What should i pay? Should i buy in the states on boxing day? (I live in Can. but I’m going to Calif. for x-mas)

Anythoughts? Any experiences?

“C’mon, it’s not even tomorrow yet…” - Rupert

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Without specifying other factors like aperture, size and weight, the question is meaningless.

John W. Kennedy
“Compact is becoming contract; man only earns and pays.”
– Charles Williams

Without reading the question, your answer is meaningless, jerkmouth. I also asked where to buy, when to buy etc…

But I can’t really specify exact things - too limmiting. Aperture I’m just lookuing for normal range, because anything not in the normal range is way to expensive… the ones i have seen have been up to f5.6 or f4. SIze and weight i really could care less - less is more, but I’m not really prepaed or able to pay more for it, so it won’t be one of my deciding factors.
JWK is a skank. So there.

“C’mon, it’s not even tomorrow yet…” - Rupert

If you need a graphic solution, http:\\Piglet

I think he meant was this is an inappropriate forum for such a broad question with no “correct” answer. If you want geneal advice on camera equipment I’m sure there are other places.

Once you establish the ideal specifications you want for the camera (which you can do at any reputable camera shop) I’d strongly recommend picking up Modern Photography or other such magazine and ordering through the mail or an on-line site. I have had incredible luck with 42nd Street Photo in New York. No sales tax, they get it to you right away, and shipping is reasonable.

Two thoughts though:

  1. Maybe better to wait until after the holidays so the prerequisite merchant gouging has passed (on mail order too). Plus you might get additional bargains on overstocks that didn’t sell during the holidays.

  2. Watch out for gouging on shipping to Canada. There is another thread on this about some person getting screwed for $9.00 in postage to get a $7.00 beanie baby.

I’m not up on current prices. Ten years ago I sold cameras as a job, and currently make some of my living as a photographer. To point you in a general useful direction: a 35-70(or 85) zoom would suit most needs. If you are wanting to use it for your trip, of course, buy it now when you need it. In general, you’ll save a little money if you wait til after the holiday season. Stick with Minolta lenses if you can afford it, although there are decent off-brands. Post your further specs/needs, and I’ll do my best to answer. No question is “dumb”, it’s hard to wade through all of it…

When I was in the US a few years ago I used to buy mail-order from B&H Photo-Video in NYC (
A good compromise between good service and competitive prices - had no trouble with returns either. (Can’t remember if they have a restocking fee though) Haven’t been to any stores that can match mail-order prices. Camera World of Oregon was also noted for very good customer assistance (and maybe slightly higher prices) as I recall. However this info is 3 years old so things may have changed.

I wouldn’t call them and ask what you should buy - there’s no guarantee the salesperson knows anything about specific models of lenses. Better to do some research on the Net and decide before calling.

Tokina and Sigma also make very good lenses and are usually a bit cheaper than the Minolta brand.

Here’s a link to North County Camera in Escondido, CA. They’ve got a Tokina 28-80mm ƒ3.5-4.5AF for $129.95 and a Minolta 35-70mm ƒ3.9-4.5AF for $119.95

Additionally, here’s a link to Cameraworld.
They list a Sigma 28-80mm ƒ3.5-5.6AF mini for $89.95.

I would recommend the Tokina of these three. Greater zoom range with no loss of speed. Plus I’ve got one, although it isn’t an autofocus. (My Minolta bodies were all made before the advent of autofocus.) It’s a pretty damn good lens.

On a side note, insulting people is no way to get help. I will admit I initially had thoughts similar to JWK. Lighten up dude. Also, the phrase, “adjustable zoom,” is redundant. Zoom implies a variable focal length.

Now behave.

Dopeler effect:
The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

I also don’t know what you mean by:

I assumed you meant a lens with a shorter focal length, or wider field of view. Is that correct? If not, look for a 70-210mm or 80-210mm lens by the same manufacturers.

Dopeler effect:
The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

I can only repeat a few of the earlier recommendations; check with B&H Camera on Sigma lenses.

One thing that may help us give you a better recommendation on specific lenses; what kind of photography are you planning on using the lens for? That makes a difference on what speed lens you get.

“Drink your coffee! Remember, there are people sleeping in China.”

Dennis Matheson —
Hike, Dive, Ski, Climb —

You’re welcome, Rory.

Dopeler effect:
The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

did no one else notice this?

what is essential is invisible to the eye -the fox