Can anybody identify my beach find?

I found what appears to be either the mandible or maxilla of some sort of creature today at Revere Beach in Revere, Massachusetts. Today was a special day because not only did I find this cool specimen, but within 30 seconds after stepping onto the beach, I found a rare treasure - a beautiful scallop shell, which is almost unheard of in the wasteland of clams, rotting crabs, seagulls, seaweed, and hazardous razor clams. In case you can’t tell, I’m absolutely in love with this beautiful scallop shell, which is probably quite dull-looking to more seasoned shell collectors.

Anyway, I’ll shut up about my scallop.

Can any of you take a guess as to what animal my toothy jawbone might be from?

While you guys do your thing, I’m going to go get an engagement ring for my scallop…

A clearer picture would help…

It looks sort of like the tentacle off a small squid.

It’s the upper dentary bone (premaxillary) of a perch or grouper-like fish. The bone perpendicular to the teeth line is where the front is. That bone gives shape to the front of the fish’s head. I’m sure it’s a round head-type of fish, rather than a pointy-snout kind, like a barracuda.

Here’s a better drawing (of a perch’s head). Look at the ‘pmx’ part.

Ooh sweet, thank you so much!

Anybody wanna see my scallop shell?

You were at Revere Beach? Did you go to Kelly’s to eat? If so, I’m jealous. :slight_smile:

Looks like a pink hand, with something unidentified on it.

Huh. Fish lips.

I do! I love beach finds.

And the ring you got it too :smiley: