Throughout my life I have had trouble learning to do the simplest things. I was a late bloomer when it came to snapping my fingers, and I couldn’t swallow pills until I was a teenager. But I can now do all of those things. The one simple, mundane thing I cannot do that I wish I could is whistle. Maybe this is for the best, since I would probably whistle constantly if I could . . . But none of you have to actually spend time with me so it’s OK, right?
Well, about my mouth. I suspect that my overbite (not bucked teeth or anything freaky; my upper front teeth just come down over my front lower teeth) is making things more difficult. There isn’t anything horribly wrong with my mouth besides that, I don’t believe. Does anyone have any advice for me at all?
I can’t whistle either, so mind if I tag along on your thread? Mebbe I’ll learn something.
On an aside… aren’t your top front teeth supposed to come down over your bottom front teeth slightly? They’re not supposed to touch your gums or anything, but I’m pretty sure a little overlap is desirable. I know mine do, and everytime I switch dentists they compliment me on my orthodontic work, so I gather whatever my orthodontist did it’s what it’s supposed to be. Either that, or they’re lying to me and my parents oughta be suing to get back the cash they spent on my mouth.
I used to be unable to whistle. I tried and tried and tried. And failed. Then I had jaw surgery. Once the swelling went down (which took a loooong time) I was magically able to whistle. With my new jaw alignment whistling just…worked. Now I whistle all the time.
So there you have it: If you want to whistle, just have a surgeon shift your jaw around a bit, sit around with your jaw wired shut for a few weeks while you eat only chicken broth and Carnation Instant Breakfast, wait for the swelling to go down and feeling in your lips to return, then whistle away!
You mean just regular ole standard whistling? Really hard to describe in words, but here goes. Press the tip of your tongue against your bottom teeth right at the gumline. Then close your lips using your cheek muscles around your tongue and start (hehe) blowing. increase or decrease the pressure your pushing your tongue with and it should start working. Practice should get you there.
While we’re on the subject, can anyone tell me how to “finger whistle”? The really loud one where you use your fingers to do it? It kills me I can’t do it.
I can whistle just fine. When I do it however, my top and bottom teeth do not overlap at all and my tongue is actually curled slightly so that the tip is in the mddle if my mouth. My lips are curled in a tight circle about the size of an m&m. I have found that if practice these things for a long time in a row, say every spare second you have in one day, then you will eventually get it.