Can anyone interpret this t-shirt?

Oh, stewardess! I speak t-shirt."

  1. Stick figure of Al Jolson
  2. Three bean sprouts
  3. Birdman
  4. A Cinnabon

Well, crap.

The top right looks like onsen (hot water).

Since the only person who can give a factual answer to this is the designer, let’s move this to IMHO.

General Questions Moderator

Or anyone who knew if it was an existing design with a known meaning.

Honestly, I thought it was just a collection of emojis.

Close, but most (all?) onsen symbols have a semi-circle below and no knob at then end of the lines, like this:

Just goes to show how we all interpret things differently! :smiley:

3 wavy lines, no semicircle, would be “river”, kawa/sen, but it’s not that either because of the presence of the bulb/knob.

A /very/ close variation was sold (in the late 1980s) at head shops as a representation of the four elements.

Water : Fire
Air : Earth


Should have been clearer

Top left - Surfer = water
Top right - Flames = fire
Bottom Left - Flier (bird) = air
Bottom Right - Rock = earth

That was the way the shirt was sold. Bottom right doesn’t look like a rock, just sharing a bit of ancient knowledge

I think you’ve got it.

:smack: Ummm…I knew that’s what it was all the time. Just wanted to see if anyone else knew it! :rolleyes:

Thanks for solving the mystery! :smiley: