Can anyone think of a movie about real estate law?

A law professor where I work has asked me for recs on a movie (not a documentary but a studio-released type deal) on DVD about real estate law. He wants to show one in class on a night when he has to come in late due to a commitment. So far the best I can think of is ERIN BROCKOVICH- it’s not exactly real estate law but it does involve real estate and law.

Can anyone think of any better ones? (Should be U.S., but doesn’t matter how current or what region since it’s essentially a “nanny” assignment anyway.)

Well, if Erin Brockovich applies, then I imagine A Civil Action might, too.

Maybe The House of Sand and Fog?

The Milagro Beanfield War? It’s been awhile since I’ve seen it. It was I think as much about water rights as real estate.

Mayber There Will Be Blood with it’s discussion of oil/mineral rights and Right-of-ways and such.

Glengarry Glen Ross

The 1997 Australian movie The Castle deals with some aspects of Australian real estate law, including constitutional aspects of the Australian equivalent of eminent domain. It’s also hilarious.

Pacific Heights deals with the horrors of an unwanted tenant

Steal Big Steal Little


In Old School, Mitch was a Real Estate Lawyer

The plot of Body Heat apparently hinges on the rule against perpetuities.

The Amityville Horror

I would definitely go with this. It’s a good movie, and the underlying theme is of the Bona Fide Purchaser vs. True Title Holder.

Also, Pride & Prejudice gets its narrative thrust from the Fee Tail. Mr. Bennet only holds a Life Estate. When he dies, the land is to pass to the next male heir of the blood, the odious Mr. Collins, since Bennet only has daughters. Hence the family’s obsession with marrying the daughters off properly, since they will be left penniless, landwise, upon the death of their father. The 2005 version is excellent.

Howard’s End. Sort of.