Can Democrats actually stop the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh?

There is a lot of that evidence:

It’s quite a long article, well-sourced. Kavanaugh’s fondness for the “what happens at _____ stays at ______” construction is striking. One wonders how his apparent fondness for heavy alcohol use ties in with the questionable financial history with the “sports tickets” and with the dice games. (All bolding mine.)

I trust there will be unintended consequences. For example, the unintended consequences of the steps leading to Nixon’s impeachment, was a trumped up investigation of a consensual affair involving Bill Clinton. That doesn’t mean that investigating legitimate allegations isn’t proper.

The way to offset this downside, is to push for an FBI investigation now, something that the FBI is willing to do if they receive orders from above. The GOP congress and the GOP executive doesn’t want this, nor do they want a full and fair investigation.

John Mace’s idea of pushing for closed hearings also has merit. I agree with the argument that we should anticipate future Republican malfeasance when conducting proper investigations.

All that was available to the FBI when they did their investigation of him. Make that investigations. Questions about his “sports tickets” have been raised, and the Senators can make their decision based on his answers. If the Democrats who were not planning to vote for him anyway need more reasons to not vote for him, that’s great.

Ed Whelan, a Republican think tank guy and former Justice Department official, lays out an argument that Ford’s recollection may be a case of mistaken identity. I would expect she might be asked about such in any Senate questioning.

In summary…

A classmate of Kavanaugh, who bears something of a resemblance to Kavanaugh, lived in a home that fits what Ford described as the physical description of the home where she says the incident took place. And that home was in close proximity to the Country Club that Ford mentioned the home where the incident allegedly occurred is near. The residence Whelan points to is only a half mile from that country club, much closer than the residences of the other attendees Ford states were there.

Whelan presupposes, without evidence, that the party was held at a house where one of the partygoers lived. It is a reasonable guess to make, but not conclusive. But I would speculate that Ford would not have a problem recalling the location if the party was at her own home. So check the layouts of the homes of the other party participants and see if any match the description given.

Ed Whelan should be fucking ashamed of himself.

If you think Whelan’s theory is much more than a step above Pizzagate, you have some serious issues.

“Oh, there’s a bathroom across from the bedroom! We got him!”

I mean, Jesus Christ guys.

Pictures on Zillow do not show a pool.

If this is a case of mistake, why did she have on a bathing suit?

Ruining some middle school teacher’s life to own the libs. Cool cool cool.

WAPO: [INDENT] Ford dismissed Whelan’s theory in a statement late Thursday: “I knew them both, and socialized with” them, Ford said, adding that she had once visited the other classmate in the hospital. “There is zero chance that I would confuse them.” [/INDENT] There has been some discussion on twitter regarding whether Whelan’s twitter storm was libelous. He had apparently been shopping the story around before he tweeted the speculation. Whelan’s acts seem irresponsible in my opinion.

No word yet as to whether Whelan advocates an FBI investigation which could properly evaluate his theory.


Yup. If Kanavaugh regularly became black out drunk at parties, then why should we assign any credence to what he says he did and didn’t do at these parties? His denials are meaningless.

Let’s pretend, for a sec, that Ford was the one getting shitfaced drunk at these parties. If that came out in the hearing, we all know the Republicans would instantly use this to attack her credibility. Not only in the sense of poor memory problems but also character problems. In the slut shaming/victim blaming culture that we live in, a woman must first demonstrate all of her actions are sufficiently within the bounds of prim and proper conduct before she can be taken seriously as a sex crime victim. Shameless drunkenness automatically puts you in the “you had it coming to you” box, and maybe also in the “you might be an immoral cunty whore liar” box as well.

Kavanaugh’s defenders want their cake and eat it too. They want to act as if his relationship with alcohol poses no problems for *his * credibility, but they want to go to town attacking Ford’s. But the question in front of us is pretty simple: Can the American people take Kanavaugh at his word when he denies sexually assaulting Ford? The answer is no. That’s the problem his past poses to his own case.

So far I have not seen any statement from Ford saying she was attending a pool party at the home in question.

She has mentioned that she often found out about gatherings when hanging out at the pool at the country club. It is not an unreasonable question to ask if she recalls going to gatherings at homes directly after leaving the country club and if she might have gone to this particular party directly from the country club.

From the previously linked WaPo story:

And though some have disparaged the idea of randomly trolling neighborhoods a look at the homes where classmates lived would sharply narrow any search. She mentions a U-shaped stairwell. Look for one in former homes of students from the schools these kids attended.

According to a source, the Committee is seeking an outside lawyer to take the role of…well, what? Inquisitor is a mite dramatic…anyway, a neutral guy who asks the questions. Preferably, a woman.

So that the questions become anonymous? Don’t want to be seen asking the questions they want to be put to Dr Ford? They want to put it to her, just not be personally seen as doing so.

But! What a perfect opportunity to stroke the adoration of their knuckle-walking base. A segment of Fox News, asking “Dr” Ford an acerbic and direct question, like if her clothing was lewd or merely provocative?

So something moved them more than the luscious prospect of a tongue bath from Sean Hannity. All of a sudden, they don’t to be the tough guy. They always want to be the tough guy!

Oh, source? Not good with names, swan’s neck, girlish giggle, steel trap mind…

Caroline Orr at Shareblue: “Accused child molester Roy Moore defends accused predator Brett Kavanaugh” [INDENT] In an interview with the pro-Trump network One America News (OAN), Moore told Republicans to “take a stand” and support Kavanaugh by dismissing the credible accusations of sexual assault he is facing and confirming him to the Supreme Court without any further investigation. [/INDENT]

Odds on Kavanaugh being involved in Zillowgate? Decently high, I think. I hope the Dems ask him, since it would show incredibly poor judgment.

What good could come from the investigation if Kavanaugh is 100% innocent? What would convince you of his innocence? What possible fact would?
Let’s say she said the incident happened on a date and say he was abroad in Malawi 30 days before through to 30 days after, would that convince you?
You’re calling a person a rapist without any evidence except one person’s memory. Would you take the same standard for you?

He is not on trial. He will not be thrashed. He will not be imprisoned. He will not lose his current job. He may not be elevated to a position of very high responsibility, true. But he will not lose reputation amongst those who already favor him, he has no reputation to lose with anyone else.

The bar of criminality does not apply, here. The question isn’t whether he is punished, but whether he is honored with a position that, presumably, very few of us deserve. I don’t think he does either.

And if he is sidetracked on his career by misfortune, he can go sit by Merrick Garland and bitch to him.

OK, you win. Zillowgate? Da fuq?


Ed Whelan’s pet theory I imagine.

Republicans and LSD. Not a good idea, apparently.