i need a link or an overwhelming response from everyone here to settle an dissagreement with my wife . she belives dogs and cats can see in the dark my response is dogs and cats have much better sight than humans in the dark but cannot see in absolute darkness as far as i know whales ,dolphins and bats are the only mammals that can funtion in absolute darkness
You are right, cats and dogs see with their eyes, which of course, need light just like ours. Part of the reason that cats and other nocturnal animals can see well in the dark is a structure in their eyes called the tapetum lucidum which reflects and amplifies the amount of light hitting their retina. (This is also why cats eyes “glow” in the dark)
Animals that can “see” in absolute darkness are not using their eyes but rather some other sensation, such as echolocation.
joshmaker has it right. Dogs and cats cannot see in absolute darkness. Their other senses are very good though so it may seem like they can (smell or hearing can direct them).
Eyes MUST have light to function. No light…no vision. some can simply function on less light than human eyes. Dogs eyes ‘glow’ in the dark too…I know from experience.
Dolphins and whales use echolocation as mentioned which is not vision but they can use quite well to navigate their environment.
I hate multiposts. Open yer eyes people!