About me. I’m near 40, obese with a large waist. I want to lose some inches off my waist because it is my understanding that visceral fat on the waist is what causes much of the negative health effects of obesity.
The problem is when I try to cut calories, I develop fasting hypoglycemia. My hands will shake, I’ll get anxious and when I’m lying in bed the shaking can affect my torso and head. Eating will make this shaking go away. It wasn’t always like this, several years ago (maybe 4 years ago) I decided to lose some weight. I lost 5" on my waist fairly effortlessly (gained it back though sadly) but when I did it that time, I didn’t have any of these hypo symptoms. So something happened between then and the last few years.
My A1C and fasting blood glucose are on the border between healthy and pre-diabetic (one reason I want to lose weight). However my fasting insulin levels are high.
Fasting insulin should be 0-17 mIU/L. I had mine tested twice, I think it was 28 and 30.
I know that high insulin levels can suppress gluconeogenesis, and I am wondering is it possible that my high fasting insulin levels are suppressing my livers ability to keep my blood sugar levels stable when I am trying to diet? Is my body producing too much insulin, causing hypo symptoms that make dieting hard?
If so what is the solution?
I know exercise will help with insulin resistance, but sadly due to some pinched nerves I can’t work out the way I used to either (getting older is fun).
Is my root problem insulin resistance? Is that what causes the high fasting insulin?
I’m assuming that I am in the early stages of blood sugar imbalance, even though my A1C and FBG are still in the healthy range (barely) because my high fasting insulin probably implies insulin resistance.
Should I get my postprandial glucose and insulin levels tested?