Can I clean my binoculars myself?

The binoculars in question are a relatively inexpensive set and are not worth having a pro do it. The image is extremely hazed and the problem appears to be the internal optics, as I’ve cleaned the external lenses. Is this something I can do myself without ruining them, or should I just invest in a new set?

You have nothing to lose inasmuch as you’re “extremely hazed” binoculars are already useless for viewing. When you open them up, you will find lots of well-aligned lenses and a few seals. Don’t expect to return the unit to original condition. (Were they nitrogen purged and subsequently dropped? Exposed to water? Exposed to high-altitude?)

Life is too short to put up with inferior optics, fourth-rate stereos, or boring cars. For $200, you can get a good set of binoculars. For $500, an excellent set. For $1000, an absolutely sensational set that will last your lifetime and constantly knock your socks off. The Nikon Superior-E and Nikon Venturer are sensational.

Thanks for the responses so far. My question was more along the lines of “how do I do it?” I believe at least one cover is held on by screws.