Can I debate I have no debate to put forward? (The Gibberish Side)

I do not care if this thread gets * locked * , i just like babbling on and on about different issues i face as i write this ‘point’… like a stand up issue maker… not trying to be funny, but informative… except i know i am the least that…
BUT KEEP READING ON… i have raised some goodies…

Isnt the word ‘point’ refering to something sharp?.. then the word point in its context “…it gets the point across…” would mean a sharp statement… which would painfully induce the listener/reader to consider the text worth reading psycologically…

If Earth misteriously blows up into oblivion, no one would be around to care, and if aliens have descovered us without letting us know, then would they care? I do not think so, because they would have used us in some way if they though us profitable… If we were profitable, however, they would of shown a little interest…

I believe that life is out there.
How else could there be billions of other solar systems like ours out there, and nolife… hence making life as we know it, a miracle…

“… its like ten thousand spoons and all need is a knife…”

This is the same as having to use 45 different toothpastes just to get the ideal cleaning your teeth deserve, why not have one tooth paste to do the whole job that the 45 toothpastes do… and why not have one meal to get all your daily requirements (as a neutritional point of veiw), instead its eat that, eat this… is it an imposible asking ?

If atoms make everything up, compounds etc, then what are atoms made up of… Im looking at a piece of thread (no pun intended) and the thread is made up of threads, and the very threads used to make up the singular thread is indeed made of other threads, all seem to be placed in the same weaved pattern as its predecessor.

Is life merely a dream in gods mind, and it is so powerful we ‘come to life’ living out what world he is dreaming of making… Is god lonely if there are no others like him… does god even exist? debateable.
When is too much power, too much power for the power the user already obtaines? Take the newly elected George Bush for an example… I think it is appawling to see all this power heading towards one man (debateable)… This leads to slanting views about issues and upcoming events, like bringing in death row … i cant comment too deeply however… i am getting into unexplored territory here.

If god cannot talk to us directly using words, sentences… then he must resort to actions. “…actions speak louder than words…”
And thus, my hypothesis: A genius is born, and this genius is here to serve one perpous. and that is to enlighten the earths population to bigger and better things, just like in the movie 2001:A Space Odyssey. If you havent watched htis movie, in short, a man finds an oblisk and this oblisk puts a concept into the discoverers mind, and then the discoverer is born with a new concept. Hence, we evolve into brighter humans…

I think i have had it for tonight… maybe another time… I wil see how yall respond to this sort of babbling… useful? or a pain to have to open up? I will take all suggestions with open arms, even if its a single finger whose origin is in the middle somewhere… … i am too tired to take notice. for my eyes are blurry…

Please comment…


[Moderator Hat: ON]


Well, you should. This is not the place for you to just go around babbling randomly. Find a chat room somewhere if that’s all you want to do.

David B, SDMB Great Debates Moderator

[Moderator Hat: OFF]