We’ve been under ozone air quality warnings. They tell me to take it easy, and don’t go outside unnecessarily. I have 2 kinds of NIOSH-rated industrial filter masks; one with big pink filters for particulates, and the other with bigger filters for vapors. Will either of these help against ozone, or am I just screwed?
The warnings are for children, old people, and those with lung or heart troubles. I am a 72-year-old guy with asthma and some heart trouble history. I need to get my exercise, whether indoors or out. Why? I want to get older, that’s why.
What’s a codger to do?
BTW, I checked a previous thread on a similar topic, but I came away feeling unsatisfied.
My initial assumption was no. Ozone is only one atom bigger than the regular oxygen in the air that you’re breathing (O3 vs O2).
Turns out I’m wrong.
carbon-impregnated masks removed 96 to 98% of ambient O3, whereas masks with no carbon removed 32 to 37%. Volunteers experienced typical respiratory irritation and temporary loss of forced expiratory function during O3 exposures when they wore the masks without carbon. These untoward effects were substantially reduced when masks containing carbon were worn.
Nuisance level relief against organic vapours, and ozone protection up to 10 times the Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL)
Thank you very much. @Joey_P , the 3M filter mask I have is almost identical to the one pictured in your link. I zoomed in to see it meets the same NIOSH standard.
The thing makes my breathing sound like Darth Vader; but if this is what it takes to get me on the streets on my recumbent trike, I’m going for it.