Can I get an X-ray of my head?

Actually, I’ve already had one taken – it was a few years back by a doc who wanted to do surgery (hahaha, insert your own joke here – it didn’t happen). Anyway, I was thinking the other day that it would be pretty cool for me to actually own a copy of the X-rays. Can I do it? Is there some sort of medical protocol that I have to follow? Do I just call up the doc’s office and ask for it? I don’t mind paying (unless it’s thousands of dollars), if that’s a factor.


Ask the doc. She might just graciously hand it over.

This just has to lead to the question: what do you plan to do with the x-ray once you get it?

go to an urgent care center, report a complaint that would require a head x-ray (or just tell them what you want), pay for the appointment, pay for the xray, pay to keep a copy.

When I was having shoulder troubles, I went one night and they examined me, x-rayed it, and sent me off with an anti-inflammitory scrip. I wasn’t keen on their diagnosis, so I paid an extra 20 bucks to take my xrays with me and showed them to my regular doc. I’ve still got them.

Depending on what state you are in, you are entitled to access to your images as well as medical written records. A facility is allowed to charge you for a copy of the X_Ray, but may not deny you a copy of it as long as you do pay for it.

Hint: Hospitals and large Imaging Facilities have Contact Printers. It’s cheap, and the X-Ray copy is the same quality to your eye as the original. Ask for a Contact Print of the original. You will be asked for the Medical Records File #, to find the original film in the Records floor/building they use for storage.

If you do not have it, then you will have to give them all the pertinent data regarding the date and reason for the initial X-Ray. They will locate your films, and strike a copy for you.

There are new Federal Laws governing medical records, and access. YOU own your medical files, the hospital does not. Remind them of the recently enacted ( April 14th ) laws regarding both privacy and access. They’ll deliver.


I’ve gotten all my cool x-rays and films just by asking. I wait until the doctor is done with them (about 6 months) and then call the x-ray lab and have them pull the files.

I’ve never been hassled.

I found this out when I got an MRI of my head a few years back. After I saw the films I HAD to have a copy of it. The lab didn’t have a problem handing them over. Their whole attitude was “I suppose you can have them,. you paid for them”

And with that, I offer this image of my brain :smiley:

To show off, like Seven just did. It’s one of those “bet you don’t have one of these…” things.

Thanks for the replies, everyone.

I have a load of X-rays and MRI scans.

The hospital doctors wouldn’t keep them, my GP wouldn’t keep them. It was me keep them or they would be destroyed.

The UK (or maybe just my doctors) can be strange…