Can I have a spinal tap now, to re-inject later if I become unhealthy?

Coworkers were discussing the topic of spinal taps.

Now, I am young, not so bright, and reasonably healthy. Is it possible to have a spinal-tap now, and then have the fluid cryogenic-ally frozen? I wonder if I become sick later in life, whether a doctor can then re-inject my spine with the healthy fluid, bringing me back into good health.

Maybe this could be the next treatment that beats stem cells?

Why are you ascribing miraculous properties to spinal fluid? I mean, it is one of your precious bodily fluids, but it’s not a cure-all.

Well, I am not familiar with which sorts of diseases or disorders affect your spinal fluid, but I want to be able to try to fight them later on in life. I think it would be a worthwhile procedure now that I am young.

I have some questions here:

What illnesses are treated with (re)injections of cerebrospinal fluid? I’m not a doctor, but I’m not aware of any.

How long can CSF be preserved once extracted?

Do you realize how painful lumbar punctures are supposed to be? Here’s the needle.

CSF is water with a little bit of sugar and a little bit of protein in it. Maybe a few white cells. It’s boring and empty.

Perhaps the OP is confusing a spinal tap with a bone marrow extraction? Banked bone marrow could conceivably be reintroduced into a person who later developed a leukemia. Bone marrow is much more interesting than CSF, it’s basically an immune system factory that also makes blood and platelets.

I was not confusing the two. I want to have a vial of CSF for later.

On the topic of bone marrow transplants, now that sounds like a very painful procedure. What is the shelf life of bone marrow? I would rather keep mine for later, as greedy as that sounds.

Cerebrospinal fluid is “turned over” 3 times a day.

I can’t imagine something that is cycled that heavily being something that is unique for preserving health.

Yes, lumbar punctures are used to check for some forms of infection, primarily nervous system infections. Doesn’t mean putting in a Liter of saved spinal fluid would do anything to clear up an infection.

What diseases or afflictions use CSF as a treatment?

So far it sounds like you’re better off saving jars of your own urine. You get the same medical benefits without the pain and the trip to the hospital.

Again, for what? There are some bone marrow cancers where treatment involves reinjection of your own stem cells, but I don’t think there is any advantage in taking out those cells now - you might as well wait and have the procedure on the off chance you contract one of those cancers.

CSF isn’t used to treat any diseases, as far as I know (IANAD). My impression is that spinal taps are used to withdrawal CSF, either for further testing or to relieve pressure, not to top you off with new brain lubricant.

A) Maybe, but there would be no reason to, because B)No, a doctor couldn’t. Because there’s no disease or condition that a re-injection of your own CSF would treat. C) No.

So… potentially useful if at some point in the future, briankeys becomes a bit dehydrated.

But probably not close to the ideal solution to that problem.

Have you ever actually experienced a spinal tap? I have, and it’s not something you’d subject yourself to voluntarily.

I’m inspired to keep my poop in jars, just in case I need it later.

It goes to 11.

When storing and re-injecting any bodily fluid, there is always the risk of infection. Well, of all such fluids/places, the likelihood and consequences of developing an infection in the CSF (i.e. meningitis) (link is gross - be forewarned) may be highest and catastrophic, respectively. So, you better have a damn good reason for carrying out such a procedure.

Spinal taps are a real thing? Huh. Live and learn, I guess :smiley:

Spinal faucets, probably.

CSF’s main use is to cushion the brain and spinal cord. Saving one’s tears is more worthwhile. (No, there aren’t any practical uses for saved tears either, that I know of.)

maybe if you deep froze it it still would be good for awhile for use as a fecal transplant, for some it is the only (not self donation) effective procedure.