Can I make a risotto-like dish with just rice and vegetable broth? Need answer fast.

I’m about to make dinner for my family before I go to work. I’ve got some fish filets about to go into the oven, but I’d also like to make a “risotto” to go along with them instead of just plain steamed rice as I normally do.

I’ve got plenty of long-grain white rice and a can (14 oz./400 ml) of vegetable broth on hand. I can also saute some onions in olive oil. I’m thinking of steaming up about 3 cups of rice and working from there, but I hate the feeling that I’m about to perpetrate a culinary disaster.

Any quick tips on how to make this happen? Thanks very much for any assistance.

You can’y make risotto from long grain rice, but you can make a nice tasty rice dish with what you have. Just call it a pilaf. Saute the onions until soft, add the rice and stir until coated with the oil, and then add stock. Bring it to a boil and then cover and simmer. Use guidelines on bag for stock/rice ratio.

When it is done let it rest off the heat for 5 minutes. Toss it and put a little chopped parsley or a dusting of paprika on it.

ETA: if you have turmeric, you can add about a 1/4 tsp to the onions before stirring in the rice. Toasted pine nuts would be nice if you have them.

Thanks for the response. What I’m going for is a sort of porridge-consistency dish. I’ve already started the rice cooking in the rice cooker, so a pilaf as you describe it is already too late.

Risotto is made with a very starchy (short grain, I think) rice that you lightly toast then stir in stock as it cooks, to develop the starch. Frequent stirring causes the starch to make the creamy texture.

Oh, I see. Buttered steamed rice it is, then.

Thanks anyway.

Short grain is correct. Arborio is what is commonly found in stores, for future reference, and it can be used equally well for either risotto or paella.

I have in the past made a perfectly successful risotto from long grain rice. You just don’t wash it and stir it a bit harder. The starch is in there - maybe not as much, but it is possible.

Cool. Will have to try.

But in both cases the rice is cooked in the broth, but not in a cooker ahead of time. Unfortunately the OP had already started her rice.

It’s snow, isn’t it, Neil?

Good God, why do that to rice?

what, you’ve never had rice pudding or something?

Yeah, you can definitely use the technique for making risotto and apply it to long grain rice. You’re not going to get the creaminess a proper risotto has, but you’ll still get something good and edible, more like a paella or jambalaya. But, you really do want Vialone Nano, Arborio, or Carnarolli. Of these, Arborio is the most common. I’ve also done reasonably well with straight-up domestic pearl rice. It’s not quite as plump and starchy as the other three, but it works well enough.

400 ml of broth would not be anywhere near enough, though, to make a risotto-style rice dish–you’d have to extend that with a good amount of water to have enough liquid on hand. The technique for risotto basically boils down to this: Heat up your stock. It should be hot, but not boiling. Heat up some olive oil in a pot. If you want to add some onions or other aromatic vegetables, add them here. When translucent, add your rice and fry for a minute. Add a little bit of wine (if using) and let cook off. Add your other ingredients (except for cheese, if using), and ladle in enough stock to cover. Stir. As it cooks off, add more stock/broth. Stir. Repeat until rice is finished: should be creamy, but still retain a little bit of a bite to it. Here you can add your cheese and any butter you may be using. Don’t be afraid of using high heat–just be vigilant in your stirring. You’re going to be stirring and ladling for about 20-30 minutes.

Rule of thumb: about six cups of liquid to two cups of dry rice. After the 20 minutes of cooking time, remove it from the burner, cover and rest for ten minutes.