Can I wear bike shorts in public places?

So, I’m an old man (56), not huge but overweight and I take spin classes at the local rec center. Currently I wear bike shorts (for the padding) but I wear gym shorts over them because I don’t want to scare small children or mentally scar any women who might be behind me in class.

Is it creepy if I wear the bike shorts with nothing over them? Sometimes I see other guys with then on, guys as big as me, and they don’t look too bad. If anything, the tight shorts make them look thinner. I just can’t bring myself go to class with only those tights on. So dopers, would you be grossed out by an old overweight guy in tight bike shorts, in spin class or on the road, or is that just me worrying too much?

You’re worrying too much.

Wait, do you mean at the gym while you’re exercising? Of course that’s okay! If you mean on the way to and from the gym, then no.

Don’t do it. Leave the gym shorts on over them.

I wouldn’t call it ‘gross’, but certainly unflattering.

Few people actually look good in skin-tight bicycle get-up, and they know who they are.

Cover up, dude. Ain’t nobody wants to see that shit.

It is creepy if you wear bike shorts with nothing else. Trust me. Those things leave nothing to the imagination. Spandex should be outlawed.

If you’re in a cycling class, just wear them alone. I’ve taken and taught many an indoor cycling class and many different body types show up in typical cycling garb, including bike shorts. It’s not a big deal.

Only at Wal-Mart would the described outfit be permissible.

Sold! When I retire and become a Wal-mart greeter I already have my outfit ready.

Excellent idea! You’ll be able to point directions to three different items at the same time!

In a bike class/spin class it’s probably OK. I would make sure to throw on the topper short as soon as the actual exercising is completed. And I wouldn’t ‘Quickly stop for a few things at Walmart’ on the way home from the gym, either. It will end with pics of your backside on, and you don’t want that.

Or worse, your frontside*. :eek:

*Not to be taken as a comment on the quality of your spandexed frontside. Which I’m sure is delightful.

When I worked in a Network Operations Center in San Diego I rode my bike in all the time. It was a short (4 mile) ride and I usually just kept my bike shorts on and put on a polo/knit collared shirt. Management never said a word, but once in awhile some bigwig from San Antonio would make the rounds and make comments about how casual everyone in Southern California was.

Personally, I think it’s no big deal. I wear my bike shorts when biking, but also when shopping if I ride to the store. If you feel at all weird you can put on a longer shirt that covers things up a bit more.

Cover them up. Spandex is a privilege, not a right.

I am not overweight in the least and I always wear shorts over the biking tights. I sense you are not interested in extra attention as well and should follow this advice. Doing otherwise offers you no benefit unless the attention is what you want. The shorts over offers the possibility of pockets.

I get creeped out by seeing them on people who are actually riding, so…

Just dropped by to tell you that your are not a fucking old man at 56, damn.

Extra washing vs peoples arbitrary clothing rules.

I pick saving on washing.


I like “Mountain Biking” shorts - same padding to make the saddle more comfortable, but a outer layer to make the shorts look more normal
