I grew up in Hollywood, I’ve met a ton of celebrities, one of my oldest friends is a (now faded) movie star. My mom’s best friends when I was growning up were Sammy Davis Jr.'s parents, and I went to Disneyland with him and his kids when I was a little girl.
In all this celebrity exposure, I have never had the slightest urge to ask for an autograph. But I’ve had to put up with a fair number of folk requesting them from the celebs I was with and I don’t get it. I am totally at a loss as to what the appeal of getting an autograph is.
I kind of understand collectors, but what is it for Joe and Jane Average? Why do you want celebrities to sign a piece of paper for you? So you can prove you met them? Is it really so important for you to bug these people just so you can make sure your friends believe you met them? Or is it that you don’t know what to say to them unless you ask for one, and you want an excuse to talk to them?
If it is that last, may I suggest you do what I have done when I’ve seen/met someone I admired: say "Excuse me, I just wanted to tell you how much I’ve enjoyed your work over the years. Especially ____. " You get your minute of face time, they acknowledge your existance, but they don’t have to stop what they are doing and put their attention on signing your napkin.
Well, if you got into the Carnegie Deli in Midtown there is an autographed photo of almost every famous person alive. It is a neat tradition there and it’s fun to look at all the different people. If I were the owner of the deli, I would do the same thing, it gives the place character.
Aw, come on, it’s just a nice little totem to have. I didn’t ask the members of my favorite band, Superchunk, to autograph one of their albums to validate my own existence or impress my friends (most of whom have never heard a Superchunk song) – I did it because I thought it would be neat.
I don’t ask for the autographs of my friends, either, even those handful who are of moderate fame.
I don’t need to, they’re my friends. I have their friendship, and possibly a few personal mementoes from them.
Famous people I like, but don’t personally know, an autograph would be a permenant and semi-personal reminder for me of the fact that I actually met this person I like so.
I know they’ll probably never remember it…but, hey, it’s cool for me.