Can the shuttle have been shot down with a stinger?

Saddams revenge?
First Jew in space never lands!
Another conspiracy theory is born!

Well, that’s respectful. Those people aren’t even dead a half-hour and your making with the jokes. Can you do my funeral? :rolleyes:

How do you know they’re dead? As of ten minutes ago, NASA had only lost contact.

Any reports of mid-air explosions?

DDG: no, but TV footage of a large trail and multiple smaller trails breaking away from it.

CNN is showing video tape, from Dallas, with multiple trails. They would have been at about 200,000 feet. Unconfirmed report from Texas of large “impact” explosion.

Oh shit. :frowning:

Just as they didn’t immediately confirm the Challenger even as you saw the accident, I think this one is real, DDG. This is so far beyond the ordinary Shuttle profile that at this point I’m assuming the worst. :frowning:

I wasn’t trying to make a Joke. I have Jewish relatives. I was pointing out a possible reason for sabotage.

Extremely unlikely on re-entry but plausible.

Saddam is toast, whether he actually pushed a button or not. All those Administration “Iraq-Al Qaeda” links…

Cry “havoc!”, I guess.

Its breaking up on live TV.
The worst is being confirmed before my eyes.

What could cause such a disaster?
Loss of heat sheilds?

Now NASA is warning people to report but stay away from debris.

They were travelling at Mach17.

It’s worse than that.

If I was some loony Islamic fundamentalist, seething with hate towards the West, I would certainly take this as a sign that Allah hated Americans and Jews as much as I did, and that this was Allah’s sign that the Great Jihad should begin… don’cha think? I mean, fireballs from the sky, and all?

What a shame…

Flynn, an earlier report on CNN said there had been some problems w/ hydrualics - which would control the flight surfaces for the turns they have to make during re-entry.

What do I think? I think starting ugly rumors before any evidence comes in one way or another is sick.

GOD Speed?

I don’t know what’s worse.
Sabotage or technicial malfunction.

Well, let’s try and be logical about this. Could a Stinger have reached them? Any ballistics geeks here?

I was unaware of the altitude of the shuttle when I speculated.
I can’t see terrorism being responsible for this!