Can the US government strand a US citizen via No Fly List?

I saw some speculation about these new rules that it is an attempt to stop US citizens abroad on the No Fly List from just getting a flight to Canada, Mexico or a country in Central America or the Carribean and then crossing into the US by land or boat. And also to stop US citizens inside the US from leaving the same way, as this case shows:

So can the US really put a US citizen that is currently outside the US on the No Fly List and basically strand them? What happens when the country they are in wants them gone(assuming US citizen is their only one and they don’t have permanent residency etc).

And wouldn’t it be easier to just not issue a US passport to US citizens they don’t want traveling? I could swear I have heard you don’t have a right to a passport.

Somebody should really challenge the constitutionality of the the No Fly List.