Can two white people have a black child?

The “theoretical” arguments on this question are not that interesting. Such as the number of genes involved making it unlikely. And I suppose if an albino person with black skinned parents mated with an light skinned person with white parents, the child would be dark. I want to know if two white people, or Chinese, for that matter have ever really had a child with skin as dark as the average person in central Africa. You know what I mean.

I doubt it. First off, an Albino has the other characteristics of the race he was born into; facial features, hair type etc.

I hope this is something you saw on ‘Springer’. Otherwise, someone has a fat chance in hell of passing off a baby as a genetic hiccup in his or her family tree.

Sure. Adoption works wonders. Otherwise, you’re talking about a few thousand years of genetic changes in a single generation, which ain’t real likely.

I believed it has happend. I saw a news report on it. I’m sorry though I cannot remember when or which one I saw. But yes, a couple I think out of Indiana or Ohio had a black child. Two legitimate white folk.

What, as opposed to illlegitimate white folks? Sorry, I don’t buy it, even if it was on the channel 7 news! Or especially so! Either one of the parents were of mixed ancestry themselves, and the kid just inherited their respective genes reinforcing classic black features, or in the case of ovum implantation, the wrong ovum was implanted, and mom gave birth to a child later shown to not genetically be hers, which co-incidentally was black. That did happen, resulted in lawsuit, beaucoup bucks!

This can be very confussing because some very honest people believe it can happen. My Grandmother was honest. She told me that a white couple in our neck of the woods had a black baby. She said that the sins of the fathers can reach seven generations. So that somewhere back in the family of the mom or dad was a black person. Now I believe my Grandma was telling me the truth, as she knew it. She could not concieve that this woman had had relations with a black man. But I do.

Do what? Conceive of having relations, or having relations?

Well I guess that I could concieve lots of things but that woman DID concieve, a child! Which means they are related! She had relations with a man and then had more relations! A son or daughter. Family relations can be so messy. :slight_smile:

This is the reverse, but when I had my twins, the nurse exclaimed, “My God, they’re two different colors!” (not a nice thing to shout in a delivery room, if you ask me.)

And, in fact my daughter was dark and my son was light. Very light. Well, he was white. But-- before anyone starts whispering things about me-- my background is very mixed.

Is it more common for 2 black people to have a white baby?

All I know is that you need to have some mixed ancestry in at least one of the families to have that happen, but it’s probably happened a few times with people who didn’t KNOW they were mixed.

If you ask me, it’s hard to define a “pure” white person or a “pure” black person. Most of us probably have a few genes in the mix somewhere that they don’t know about, especially you yanks, commin’ from all over the world and all! :wink:

Personally, I’m nordic (from Iceland) and yet I have black hair, dark eyes and most of the features commonly NOT associated with scandinavians. It turns out there was a black guy who moved to Iceland a couple of hundred years ago and many people believe my family are his ancestors.

So, I an’ I be bringin’ it to ya, from da funky-ass joint on da odda side mofo… eh… nah… I can’t talk the talk, guess it was too far back in my lineage :frowning:

— G. Raven

Remember Woody Allen’s film Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex? The final sequence? There was a huge crowd of spermatazoa dressed in white and gathered at the entrance to a corridor. When ejaculation happened, they all rushed down the corridor together. There was one in the crowd played by a black actor. With a puzzled look on his face, he asked, “What am I doing here???”

In Bizarre Embryo Mix-up, Two Couples Fight for Child

This is fascinating. I did not really understand that a “latent” gene could pop out like that. I heard a story about signer Dinah Shore giving birth to a black baby, and I didn’t know what to make of it. I thought perhaps it was an urban legend.

Color me confused. You mean that someone can have some latent racial gene in them, that no one seems to know about, and has never popped out before (in other family members) and one day, viola! A black (or white) kid is born to white (or black) parents? Too bizarre!


And such a novel was written by Naomi Ragen. I believe it was called “The Sacrifice of Tamar.”

There are three chances: small, slim, and fat.

And such a novel was written by Naomi Ragen. I believe it was called “The Sacrifice of Tamar.” **

Funny I remeber reading it on of the the books by Fay Kellerman

I recall a story on 20/20 a few years ago similar to the one DDG posted. In this instance, a couple in The Netherlands were using the services of a fertility clinic that was rather careless with its specimens. I believe in this case, only the sperm came from the wrong couple (who happened to be black), so the child was actually related to his birth mother. It makes you wonder how many earlier screw-ups there were that were never caught because there were no obvious differences between the child and the parents.


Hello Biggirl! I also come from a very mixed family, and my foster sister, who’s mother was white skinned but of unknown ancestry and who’s father was very dark skinned and also unknown ancestry (and who cares!), married a very white guy (foster sister is kinda dark skinned) and their beautiful baby is whiter than white and has red hair! He’s a cutie, no matter what color, but what surprised us most was not his skin color but that red hair!

Congrats on your twins… :slight_smile: