Can you avoid prostitution charges by filming the proceedings?

<smirk> Touche’, Handy. :smiley:


I’ve been a huge Andrew Lloyd Webber fan for decades, my
last name is Anne, and my B-day is December 25th. When he
did Whistle Down the Wind with the song “Annie Christmas,”
I almost fell off my chair! I have to use it!

A porn site is offering cash prizes for amatuer videos that get the most votes and or views. the prize money goes to the person that uploaded the video onto the site. thats all the information provided by the site and concerning the site. the fact that there is a category for AMATEUR HOMEMADE is what interested me because this isnt the porn awards and a fan based voting pole for porn stars this is an insentive to upload your personal home sex videos and see if they are worth money right? well i was approached with yet another angle witch brings me to the question here when somebody asked if i would make a new sex video with them for the purpose of uploading it onto this site and promoting it there with the intent of winning the prize money from the site and then splitting up the winnings. sounds legit untill they offered to pay for my transpertation if i came to their town 170 miles away also offered to cover the cost of a hotel room in wich to make the video. or will come to my town and pay for the room and other supplies i guess like refreshments condoms etc. now my questions… is this person “soliciting me” im the one that said i wanna make a new video and they responded all on the site mentioned above where i already have 2 short videos uploaded with public access. there must be specific rules like who exactly is recieving cash in the process of making the video example the money is for the uber driver who excepts credit card only. cost of the hotel room etc. i ask because if the video gets not 1 vote then the end result of the entire situation would be that they spent a few even up to 500 bucks on all the expences of creating this situation and filming it. so they spent a bunch of money and had sex with me. i had sex and made the new video i was wanting. IS THERE ANYTHING ILLEGAL ABOUT THIS?

In case you hadn’t noticed, this thread is sixteen years old.

It’s really impossible to say if what you’re discussing is legal or not. Prostitution laws (along with whatever other laws might be relevant) are generally enacted by state and local governments so what’s legal in one place can be illegal in another. Plus each local District Attorney is going to have their own set of priorities on how vigorously they enforce these laws. So if you’re concerned about your legal liability, you’re going to need to consult a local lawyer.

Wow. Zombie porno prostitues… :eek:

16-year-old zombie porno prostitutes. This thread is Zombie Traci Lords.

So… The green on the door… that’s not actually paint, is it? :smack:

That’s from zombie Marilyn Chambers.

Can’t tell the difference - They’re all rotten and stuff. :stuck_out_tongue:

as ive said before no not in la county at least about 20 years ago these girls decided to advertise "make your own amateur adult film " in the beginning they just filmed couples who were married and the like but at some point they began filming staff with single customers the expanded ads even listed preferences

The line was they weren’t paying for sex they were paying for the filming … the “staff” filled in so they didn’t lose business ,

No one bought it and it was closed down after 3 months or so after vice figured out what was going on I don’t think anyone did any significant time because it never became a big story

Interesting that prostitution per se is illegal in the US.

Prostitution per se has never been illegal in the UK.

Soliciting is illegal … streetwalkers can get hauled in and fined, and two or more prostitutes sharing the same address is illegal … I believe "keeping a disorderly house " is the technical legal term over here.

There is however, no offense committed by a woman living on her own who accepts money in return for sexual favors, as long as she doesn’t actively solicit clients in a manner which might cause offense to the public.

(Insert your own “per se” prostitution joke here.)

It’s not illegal at the federal level, but it is illegal in 49 states and DC (I’m not sure about places like Puerto Rico or the US Virgin Islands). The one state where it’s not illegal, at the state level, is Nevada, which leaves it up to local counties, some of which allow it, and some of which don’t.

I heard they were thinking (as of last year) about liberalizing the law in the UK.

I remember reading that, though I believe it was more of a short story than a book.

A bit of checking around reveals that had amateur contests but I can’t find if they are still being held.
