Obviously I know that it is physically possible to freeze milk but what I’m wondering is can you freeze it then defrost it later and drink it without ruining it?
Yes you can. I put a gallon container of milk in the freezer. Although it bulged with the expansion and turned a pale yellow color, it turned back to normal whn it thawed.
If you mean will it be safe to drink after thawing and will it taste alright, yes. However, freezing destroys the homogenization, and you’ll have bits of milkfat floating around in it, which some people find distasteful.
It does not become toxic, but it’s taste is pretty poor. Not terrible, but not a desirable change. Try it with a small quantity (a cup or so) in a container that will not be damaged when the milk expands with freezing. A half-pint paper carton is ideal for this test.
Interestingly, if you let it partially freeze (slushy), then quickly strain out the ice and drink only the unfrozen part, it doesn’t seem to have suffered. It seems the actual freezing does the damage, not just cold enough to almost freeze.
Taste is what I’m most concerned about. Is the slight deterioration in taste noticeable in tea or coffee?
My fridge is broke so I’m using the freezer.
I freeze milk all the time. It tastes fine if you allow it to defrost completely and shake it very well befor each pour. Non fat freezes better than whole.
The fatty parts will thaw first (oil having a lower freezing point) and if you drink that, it will actually taste better than the regular milk, if you like cream. The last part to thaw, though, will be mostly water and it will taste terrible.
As has been pointed out, the freeze-thaw process ruins the homogenization, and while it’s possible to party restore it through it vigourous shaking, you’re better off not freezing your milk at all. Keep at it about 3 degees centigrade.
Or just drink it as you buy it. It’s not so expensive an item that you really need long-term storage. If you were planning for post-Armageddon, you’re better off with milk powder or canned evaporated milk.
Personally, I love slightly frozen milk, with just a few random ice crystals forming here and there. Once it’s a brick, though, forget it.
You’re better off using the freezer to make ice and keep the milk and other perishables in a cooler. Just a thought
ok so I need to give it a good shake.
What about if I heat it up before shaking it? Would that make the oily creamy bit and the water join together more?
Can you heat milk and then afterwards let it cool down and then use it as normal or does that change it as well?
To completely hijack this thread (or perhaps Jojo has some yogurt to store as well…) can you freeze and thaw yogurt? I’m terribly addicted to plain Dannon yogurt (adding my own stuff, of course) and between my mom and I we go through one carton a week. Can we buy 2 or 4 and freeze it?
Exactly. We buy six gallons of skim at a time and freeze them. Thaw and shake. No noticeable taste difference that I can see.
havent’ you heard of frozen yogurt? ^_~
should freeze fine, just stir well before eating
Milk is not an eutectic solution. As temperature decreases, first water crystals begin to form. These are pure water so the concentration of the rest of the solution increases. As temperature continues to decrease finally everything has frozen solid.
When you thaw it you get the reverse process. First you get a liquid of concentrated milk and ice crystals. If you pour it then, you are left with ice. If you want to reconstitute the milk as it was, then the best thing is to use a blender.
I do it all the time. I grew up on raw milk so the floaty bits don’t bother me, and I don’t think the taste is affected at all.
Just a hint: If you’re buying the gallon jugs it’s smart to loosen the tops a bit then re-tighten them after they’ve frozen. I’ve had problems with the bottoms splitting open.
Years ago, when I was stationed in Alaska, we used to buy frozen milk at the Commissary. We would thaw it out as needed during the month. It didn’t taste any different than unfrozen milk.
Frozen yogurt that you buy in the store is not just regular yogurt frozen. The composition is different. I tried freezing yogurt once, since Costco has a good price if you buy in bulk. I never tried that experiment again. It did not taste good.
I don’t drink that much milk, so even a gallon will spoil on me, as after a week it has already becoming sour. I just use it in cereals and making pancakes. But I found a solution. I now buy soy milk. More healthful, tastes good, and goes well in cereals and pancakes. And it will keep in the fridge a long time. And Costco has a good price.
I used to buy milk powder and evaporated or condensed milk, but soy milk is the best alternative.
As far as I know, “frozen yoghurt” is made the same way you make ice cream, ie. by regularly mixing it while cooling, either until it has the desired texture. Ice cream/yoghurt dispensers mixes it continuously so as to maintain its semi-viscous state.
Sounds like one wild party!!
I buy my groceries about once a month. I only use milk in my coffee. I freeze a few gallons evrytime. I"ve never had any problems taste-wise. It does take days for a gal to thaw in the frig though.
Frozen yogurt does not have any live bacteria and is not much better for you than ice cream.