Can you sue a salesperson for false information?

This is related to another thread here

I know I should not rely on this board for legal advise but I want opinions and everyone here has one of them.

Here are the facts

Sale Venue was NJ store has locations in NJ, PA, and DE

Salesperson informes me the item I am buying has a one year warranty. This item has mechanical parts and my luck with items with mechanical parts are poor.

I ask said sales person If I decide to sell the product can I transfer the warranty to anyone and the salesperson tells me says I can.

I get home, look at the manual which has the warranty information and it tells me there is a one year parts and labor warranty on the entire unit and a 5 year parts and labor warranty on the sealed refigeration system. I would be responsible for any diagnosis charges for problems related to the sealed refigeration system (compressor, condencer coil, releasing valve, check valve, filter drier, all interconnecting tubes) basicly all the parts I was worried about. I then look on the terms and conditions which is on the back of my reciept and it states the warranty can only be transfered with the permission of American Appliance.

Today I heard through my dad that he heard on the radio that the company I bought the unit from has gobe out of business. This is only 3 days after the sale.

If I can not get a refund of the warranty from American Appliace can I sue the sales person in small claims court for the price of the warranty which I only purchased based on the misleading information I was given. Wait let me clarify that. I know that anyone can sue anyone else but would I have a case. The dollar amount is around $130.00

IANAL but I would doubt you make a case against the salesperson unless you have some specific and concrete proof that he specifically said the item’s warranty was transferable.

My father was with me at the time of the transaction and heard me ask the sales person this as well as the sales person’s response