Can you turn the fucking air conditioning down?

When I was in the hospital I was freezing. I would have loved to have put more clothes on, but they were back in my room. I was wearing a hospital gown, laying on a gurney in the OR, waiting for the surgical team to get ready.

Yes, but the AC is controlled by the people working in that store or office. They are there all day long; you only visit for an hour or so. And many employees are required to wear a lot more than “shorts, a t-shirt and sandals”.

Often they are wearing uniforms (and often there isn’t a summer version), or safety regulations require more clothing (like I’m going to volunteer in a donut booth at the State Fair, out in the hot sun in August, and the requirement is long pants and socks with closed-toe shoes). And a whole lot of offices still require men to wear suits, long-sleeve shirts & ties, even during summer; and similar ‘professional’ attire for women.

If companies/offices would re-think these archaic dress codes, they could increase the AC temp and everyone (employees & customers) would still be comfortable.

That’s what I was going to say. Hospitals always seem to be freezing, and whenever I’ve gone in for any sort of procedure they make you take off at least some of your clothes and put on a skimpy gown, and if you complain the will give you another skimpy gown to put on over the first one.

By the time I’ve gotten to the gurney I’ve been able to ask for blankets*, but those long waits in the “gowned waiting areas”, as they are called, are torture.

*The last time I went in the people in the surgical area were really nice. Not only did I get a pile of extra blankets but there was some delay caused by a mix-up in the OR schedule. I told the nurse that I was bored and they took the complaint very seriously - they ended up wheeling my gurney into an unused patient room with a TV and giving me the remote.

Still, it’s too damn cold.

Look at his name – he’s a Leafs fan.

(And count me with those who crank up the AC. I hate the heat.)

Ha ha!!

I love you Guin!

This statement makes no sense. If you go DOWN a few degrees, it gets COLDER.

My opinion is that you can always put more clothes on but there’s only so many layers you can take-off before you make everyone uncomfortable. If it’s just me, I have the heating/conditioning how I like, if there’s more than just me I will defer to whoever likes it coolest.

See, the problem with hot weather is depending on where you are, you have a different idea of what hot is. When I lived in Austin (TX) I worked with a guy from Boston. He had a mental defect that said room temperature had to be 72. So he always set the AC to 72. Setting it to 72 is fine if the outside temperature is between say 77 and 85. When the outside temperature is 110 coming inside to 72 is one hell of a shock, and often too cold.

77 is a few degrees too warm for me unless I can go shirtless. I’d be fine in the 70-75 range in shorts and a tee considering I’m likely to be moving around in any given establishment. If it were a sit-down restaurant or movie theatre I’d probably prefer the upper end of that range though.

My office is the same way. Our building houses the server banks for the entire base, so it’s always 68 degrees or lower inside, unless you go up to the higher floors (and there’s usually no real reason to go up there). People sit at their desks in coats. My standard office attire is a half-zip sweatshirt and when I step outside into 90 degree, 100% humidity weather, people look at me like I’m nuts.

I’m in the same situation (I live in an area that’s currently very hot and I don’t have AC at home,) so I like it when I can go into a building that has air conditioning.

And unfortunately, I don’t work in an air-conditioned place. I usually work at home, but it’s been too hot for even that lately. :frowning: So these high temperatures are a drain on my finances as well as my physical health and my sanity.

When it’s cold, folks can put on a sweater. When it’s hot they can’t take off all their clothes. Well, they can, but they won’t be welcome in Walmart any more.

Speaking as a person who could sweat in a snowstorm, I cannot endorse this pitting. Summer can’t be over with too soon as far as I was concerned. Cool malls and stores are often my respite from the heat.

I’m with you. Retreating into a cooler environment is the only way I survive most of the year.

25C is NOT fine. Neither is 24. I have my thermostat set to 23 which means it doesn’t turn on the A/C until it hits 23.5 which is 73.4 F, and sometimes even that’s too hot, especially if I’m doing any physical activity. I’m getting to be an old fart who gets hot easily, and if you don’t like it you can fuck off, a statement that I make just because now I can. :slight_smile:

The perception that reasonable temperatures are “too cold” simply comes from the contrast with the insufferable sweltering humid heat of the outdoors.

That’s wrong, too. I can vaguely see the logic if you think of “up” in the sense of “make the A/C work harder”, but “up” is “warmer” in any rational sense of what you do with the thermostat, and is also consistent between heating and cooling seasons – “turn the thermostat up” means to turn it to a higher number.

Oh, and OP? I asked my husband if he could turn the a/c down and the temperature dropped significantly. So… Thank you for that.