Canadian Dopers (Alberta esp.) Do you use Cold-FX?

Have you heard of it?

I invested in this company six or seven years ago after meeting the principals at a conference. The stock has done just about nothing in that time, but I just got my statement in the mail - WOW!

From my little research on the web today, Cold-FX is taking the country by storm, especially with the flu vaccine shortage. Is this true? I see that what was once a product carried by health food stores is now in Shoppers pharmacies, Costco, etc. I also see that they have clinical studies (randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled) showing that it reduces recurrence of upper respiratory infections by a big margin.

Is this product as big as it seems to be? What is the scoop?

CV Technologies

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Never heard of it.

I did try it once when a pharmacist insisted it buy some when I had a cold last winter.
In all honestly I couldn’t tell if it helped or not, but he swore that it did wonders for shortening the duration of colds.

It is quite prominent these days - and I believe it has an endorsement from the Calgary Flames.

I’ve never heard of it either.

I heard of this stuff a couple years back when I was still living in Vancouver-- and considered it a crock new age remedy. The only people I knew who bought it were the same folks who guzzled echinacea, gingko biloba, and similar products.