Canadian Sue, Padma, and two other un-named dopers I had a dream about you.

No it wasn’t bad but it was strange. In my dream we were having a Dopefest in some unnamed city. I would say it was DC but it was not. Anyway, Canadian Sue showed up and I found out she was quite an androgynous prison guard but more on the manly side. It was strange since I know CS is most definately female in real life and doesn’t have very many completely masculine traits. Anyway, we talked about something or other that I don’t remember and it was nice.

Padma was also there. I just remember seeing the name here somewhere. I don’t know if Padma was a poster but I figured I would throw it in because I am about 30% sure there is a poster named Padma here somewhere. Well, Padma you were a leprechan in my dream, a little girly leprechan. You came in with Canadian Sue and we talked some. You had some issues with breakfast cereal but then started talking with the other two dopers about something or other. I was more shocked that C-Sue was basically a man in my dream to pay too much attention.

The other two male dopers were not really dopers. They were just two people who were taking up space. Although I do have to say that they looked kind of familiar. I think one of them may have been Olentzero but the dream is fading some.

Anyway, we met in some weird underground parking lot that was more like an amusement park than anything else. Cars were parked all around and the walls were like roller coasters and other park type rides on the wall. We didn’t interact with it but I noticed everytime I looked at the wall there was some other type of ride or amusement park thing happening on it.

I just thought you guys would like to know. If you had a dream last night why don’t you post it?


I hate to burst your bubble hon, but this morning when I showered, I noticed that I am definitely female with no manly traits at all :wink:

But you definitely have me curious… who are the other two that you haven’t mentioned hmmmm?

I’ll second the fact that Sue is all woman… [sub] not that I have intimate knowledge or anything. [/sub]

A little hijack here…

Did anyone catch “Just Shoot Me” last night? The bit where Finch discovers that his best old friend was now a woman was hilarious…

I dreamed I was drafted into giving the Sunday sermon at St. Patrick’s Cathedral (in my Maidenform bra!). The fact that I was female and atheist didn’t seem to faze them at all, so I remember trying desperately to come up with a sermon while trying on my priest drag.

Then the damn cat woke me up.

I dreamt that a friend I had when I was younger came to visit me. The weird thing was this friend and I had a giant argument about 7 years ago and haven’t spoken since. I knew that in the dream but I figured if she wasn’t mentioning it, then neither would I. We hung out, looked at pictures, talked about the good old days etc… Maybe my subconcious is telling me I miss her and to swallow my pride and apologize.