Canadians help stranded military family drive to Alaska

Covid restrictions make it very difficult for people to enter and drive through Canada to Alaska.

This lady and her kids trip (to meet her husband stationed in Alaska) was delayed waiting for the necessary paperwork from Canada. The family was given only 5 days to make the drive through Canada and enter Alaska.

A winter white out made driving nearly impossible for someone inexperienced in driving in snow. The car didn’t even have snow tires.

Many Canadians went out of their way to help. A tire store owner opened up on a Sunday and personally put snow tires on the car.

Social media was used to find a experienced driver. A Ranger in the Canadian military volunteered to make the 1,000 mile drive.

I’m so impressed how the Canadian people opened their hearts to this military family.

CNN article is shorter and missing details.

way to go Canada.

Hey, that’s awesome!


Why I love Canada right there. I would immigrate but I think it is too late for me.

:heart: :maple_leaf: