Canadopers: fall federal election[!]

Otoole wants to decriminalize assault weapons, lots of them. That might fly in the west, but I’m thinking it’s a hard no everywhere else.

Just wait a couple of days and the policy will be different.

Parts of the west. I think few in urban areas would support this, and that there would be some support in rural areas across Canada.

What the ever loving hell are you on about? Racists??

As for debt it’s very, very obvious that the CPC party is very bad at math. And presenting an honest chart. And math - I say that twice incase they can’t count.

I also find it hilarious that the so called “fiscally responsible party” has trouble grasping the idea of using debt to pay operational expense…just like businesses. Does the CPC brain trust actually believe that RBC has a mound of money they draw from to pay their 75 Million* a day?

  • Based on 2021Q1 Non-Interest Expense of 6.542 Billion

Hooray! My wife and I voted this morning. For the Liberal, in case anyone cares. It was easy, my wife waited not at all and I had to wait only for her to finish. I used my driver’s licence and she used a passport, as identity. We also each had the card the government mails to every registered voter. We register every time we fill out income tax forms.

It’s almost like we want people to vote! Heaven forfend!

Voted today as well. In and out in 10 minutes or so.

He’s trying to draw a false equivalence between Canadian laws related to what constitutes sufficient voter ID, and the absolute shit shows that are the various GOP voter suppression laws in the US. He wants to suggest that “We both require ID” means either that Canada is racist as fuck, or the GOP isn’t racist at all.

Of course, it all falls apart if you’ve ever looked at the list of what is considered acceptable voter ID in Canada, and compared it to what the GOP is doing.

One might hold both that “Canada” IS racist as fuck, but that the state does not put obstacles in front of voters to racialize voting the way “the US” does. Quotation marks to indicate by “Canada” and “the US” we do not mean every single person or every single political unite is racist, etc.

True, but I’m willing to bet good money that he was hoping the false dichotomy would be sufficient. He doesn’t really want us to conclude that Canada is racist, he wants us to conclude that the GOP isn’t.


Indeed. I could show up with a letter from a homeless shelter and a government cheque stub from my last social assistance payment and get to vote.

One (okay, me) is tempted to argue that in Canada voting is suppressed by giving us no real choices, making it rather moot.

The ad is misleading, but pretty par for the course. I do not think Trudeau did an optimal job with Covid nor economics, but it was a thing and anyone would have spent lots of money.

The anti-vaccine protests at hospitals by people who pretend to want debate - or to see scientific evidence which clearly exists - are becoming tiresome. I was glad to see Trudeau’s intent to criminalize intimidation of health care professionals, and this issue alone might swing my vote. I like Singh more than the NDP; some of O’Toole’s ideas are good but they change quite a bit.

The parties are really similar (“no real choice”) because this is what they perceive Canadians to want. Many do, some political poll aside.

More than tiresome. A couple of the lead instigators are a couple of nurses from Ontario who were fired and removed from their professional organization. They then started up a group that pretends to represent health care workers, and protest at hospitals. Oh, and they’re also Trumpers who went to the Jan 6 treason show.

Essentially, they are lying whack-job disruptors who hate the healthcare profession, and are taking a giant dump on healthcare workers everywhere. They are absolute filth.

It is a bit of a circular argument to hold that “there is no real difference between the parties” and the proof of that is people vote for the existing parties. It’s like saying you can have spam, spam, or spam and since people pick spam, thus we know that the people must want spam. We literally do not know what people want based on election results. The political survey is at least an attempt to ask people what they think and compare the results to the spam, spam, and spam.

I feel like - isn’t that already a thing? I mean, using threats to intimidate anyone is already illegal, isn’t it?

Wife: Have you got anything without spam?

Waitress: Well, there’s spam egg sausage and spam, that’s not got much spam in it.

Wife: I don’t want ANY spam!

I agree, to some extent. But I am not persuaded a political survey judges what people want all that well either. Most Canadians support a strong military but would prefer to buy butter rather than guns. Most like our flawed health care system more than the US. Most think are high international scores in education tests are a good thing. Most want to see cozy duopolies, rich people and multinational companies pay more taxes and offer more value. Some survey discussing religious values, 18th century political values or levels of authoritarianism might not capture that.

I don’t get it. That clearly seems to be saying he’s responsible for more than half the debt, not all of it. The meaning was instantly obvious.

I mean, the math is, well, questionable, but how can one interpret that as meaning he’s got ALL the debt on his hands?