cancer update

A few weeks ago I developed a hernia and abscess behind my belly button. This led to a CT scan of my abdomen and me not having chemotherapy that day. And 10 days worth of antibiotics.
I told my oncologist it was a hernia, and sure enough that was what the CT scan indicated.
So, I’m off chemo until the port is installed. My cancer symptoms still seem to be disappearing. The tentative date for the chemo port surgery is October 27. My surgeon told me it’s possible to have chemo the next day.

Good luck,hope it all goes well,we’re with you all the way.

totally with you! and is a hernia natures way of saying to dial back the bikram, just a bit, maybe? :wink:

totally with you! and is a hernia natures way of saying to dial back the bikram, just a bit, maybe?
op by chela

A lot of people have mentioned that…but the hernia was the result of the extreme constipation, a side effect of chemo. kinda TMI–didn’t want to mention it. :o

Take it easy, and get back on the chemo when you can.

Did you tell your doc about the constipation issues? If not, don’t be embarrassed to say something so they can give you something to help get things moving. I promise you, they have heard and seen things far worse and won’t even blink an eye. :slight_smile:
Hope that everything goes well for ya!

Thanks for the update. I was actually wondering how you were doing during my Bikram practice this morning. I’m glad to hear that the cancer is going away. Keep your spirits up. We’re all pulling for you.

Sheesh, fate flings crap sometimes. Best of luck and very good vibes for the next round.

Milk of Magnesia, according to my chemo nurse. Next time, speak up. If it’s something to be expected, the doctor can give you something for it. If it’s something unexpected, s/he needs to know about it anyway. Suffering in silence is not recommended during cancer treatment.