Candy that makes you say "Yum!"

Fry’s Turkish Delight. But why the small bars? Grrr.

Also, Fry’s Peppermint Creme.

Hm. I work in the same complex as a factory that sells Ice Cubes bulk in the candy story. I had no freaking clue they were rare. I get them with a 20% discount.

Oh. And Cherry Blossoms.

Huh, I’ve never seen these.

My favorite is candy corn. Pure sugar with just a hint of buttery flavor. I only let myself get them around Halloween, when it’s easier to find a fresh bag.

Does home-made stuff count? My mom used to, on occasion, make these crispy peanut-butter balls covered in chocolate she called ‘buckeyes’. Oh man. They’d be gone in 24 hours, no matter how many she made. Num!

Terry’s Chocolate Orange

Ritter’s chocolate bars. Better than the Cadbury stuff.

Trader Joe’s chocolate covered cherries, the big honkin’ maroon ones that can also be bought as part of a chocolate covered dried fruit variety package (but don’t…the cherries are the best). I mention this because they also sell a smaller type of chocolate covered cherry that isn’t as good.

No mention of York’s Peppermint Patties? That would be my choice if Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups had never been invented.

Peanut Patties. If you’ve never heard of them, they’re kinda like peanut brittle except they’re pink and soft rather than brown and hard. I think they’re native to Texas, since the only time I saw them since the eighties was in the Houston airport. My grandfather would also pick them up when he went to South Texas every year when I was young. Are they even sold outside Texas?

I remember those! You may be right; I’m not sure I’ve ever seen them outside of Texas.

One of the saddest casualties of this modern world is (was) Regal Crown Sours.
Man, I used to love them! Too bad they’re long gone.

Do they still make those? I haven’t seen them in years.

Mars buys Wrigley!

What, I wonder, does this portend for the future of candy in America?

Snickers Bars. Man, I love Snickers Bars.

Once I seriously ate nothing but Snickers Bars and various food from Seven-11 for like three months and actually *lost * weight!

Snickers Bars are awesome.

Losing weight during a diabetic coma is hardly a challenge. :wink:

I’m old enough to remember when Ice Cubes ™ came in a three-pack the size of a Butterfinger, for the cost of a regular candy bar. Each of the sub-bars was two to three times the size of the current foil-wrapped morsels.

That was the early Seventies. My junior high kept them refrigerated in the summer, so that they wouldn’t melt. Do schools still have candy lines?

Do you mean candy lines as in snack bars at schools? :confused:

Heh, heh. It was tasty, though. :smiley:

I do not like pretzels under normal circumstances, and pick them out of gardettos, chex mix, and things of that nature; but my favorite candy bar is the Take 5. And it’s not that the rest of the ingredients mask the pretzel flavor, I can taste the pretzel quite distinctly, and it’s great with all that other crap covering it.

Salt licorice made by the Katjes company. Various shapes, I’m partial to the balls and the lozenges. They also make sweet(er) ones, like the cat-shaped ones they take their name from.

I don’t get the hate for salt licorice. Sure, it may not be to everyone’s taste, but people treat one like one is eating regurgitated excrement. Yet you don’t see me judging Americans for eating what they erroneously term “chocolate”, do you? OK, I guess I just did. :smack: