Cannibals and their chlesterol levels.

The caption of a Weekly World News story of " Cannibals told to stop eating humans to cut down on cholesteral…"
(You’ll ever see Barbara Walters reporting stories like this one!)

It got me to thinking:

Just what is the fat/calorie/protein/etc count of the average Leg Of Man portion?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Well, in the old sailing ships in the South Seas days,
they used to call it “long pork”. And pork, as we all know, is the other white meat. So maybe it’s not so bad. Granted, you should probably stick to free-range humans – people who spend a lot of time outdoors and exercise a lot.
Avoid the ones who eat lots of Doritos and Twinkies – they’re full of chemicals and preservatives.

Well, a health conscious cannibal would never eat a whole leg. (Actually, I recall reading somewhere that the buttocks were considered the most delectable.)

Let’s say that it’s roughly comparable to pork (we are called “long pig” after all.) That would make it about 140-180 calories for a modest 3 ounce portion. Bon appetit.