Can't Find Thread for 2-14 SpaceX Moon Launch--need answer soon

I have browsed the current “front page” and used the search function repeatedly. I can’t find any threads about tonight’s (tomorrow morning’s 2-14-2024) SpaceX launch of the a lunar lander.

I am positive this Board is discussing this and I tried to find it but I’m sure it’s hiding right in front of my face. Any help?

There is the omnibus MPSIMS thread about space exploration, which is where SpaceX’s endeavors usually get discussed.

There’s also a dedicated Starship thread.

Haven’t been active in a few days, but no reason you couldn’t poke it with your news.

Thank you, I looked in both of those and no one is talking about this. Weird. Yes, I could bring it up but my interest is fairly much in passing. I would just as soon leave it to the aerospace doodz.

This is definitely not a SpaceX mission. SpaceX F9 is the booster. Some other provider heads to the moon and does stuff.

If you want to talk about this mission in some thread, fine. Do so. If you want to demand the rest of us discuss it, well no.

Also, it didn’t launch.

As I said in the OP:

Yes, I could bring it up but my interest is fairly much in passing. I would just as soon leave it to the aerospace doodz.

Mods: you can close this thread as the launch was canceled. Thanks
