Can't Hit Girls

This is a newstory about a girl beating up her prom date because he refused to kiss her.

Not only that, she also accused him of rape!

He says he didn’t fight back because he was taught not to hit girls.

It bothers me that the old “can’t hit girls” rule is still taught to young men. If I ever have any male offspring, I’m teaching them to defend themselves against attackers of either gender.

It should be taught that you shouldn’t hit anybody for any reason.

Anyway, that girl sounds psycho. I’m glad he’s her ex-boyfriend.

As a gentleman, I can only commend the young man’s restraint.

As a human being I can only say that were I the one getting beat on, that girl might have found herself pushed down so I could walk away.

“Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.”
[sup]Issac Asimov[/sup]

Ugh… this is a double standard that’s ticked me off for a long time.*

I like Zenster’s approach, which I kind of interpret as defending oneself but tempering the level of force to the attacker (note, I’m purely assuming she was smaller than the boy, I could be wrong).

*I think I’ve posted about this before, but just to sum up: I knew a girl who got married very young and used to beat the crap out of her husband, and would brag about it to others. The one time he shoved her off him, she called me crying and made me come over because she was so very upset. She made me peer at an non-existant mark on her leg that he’d supposedly caused. Gotta wonder what the girl in BlackKnight’s link would have done if the boy had shoved her away.

Meanwhile she gets a free pass on accusing him of rape?

Things like that make it harder to believe any woman who makes a rape claim without abundant physical evidence.

As far as hitting girls, you have a right to defend yourself if you’re in danger. That said, if you’re 6’4" and she’s 5’2", cover your face and groin. A couple of light ones in the ribs and gut aren’t gonna damage you. She comes with a weapon, gloves come off.

As usual I think Zenster has it right, a simple refusal to participate is fine, for either gender.

If it is unavoidable, good grief people protect yourselves. And then walk, abuse any way in a relationship, any relationship, is not good.

If any women are wondering where the good men are, this guy seems to be one. He didn’t take advantage of a drunk girl and he didn’t respond to violence with violence.