Can't people recognize an obvious troll anymore?

Do.Not.Encourage. Do.Not…

Relax, your primacy is secure. I don’t take gonzo’s word for everything.

I think people seriously underestimate the amount of trolling that goes on on the internet. Just because you read something stupid elsewhere doesn’t mean that person was serious too. 99% (conservatively) of 4chan and 75% of fark is trolling. Same with youtube comments.

they need to do way instain posters> who kill thier threddz. becuse thredd can’t frigth back? it was on the news this mroing, a troll in ar who had kill his three threddz. my pary are with the posters who lost thier sanity. i am truley sorry for your lots.


Supremacy again! Woo-hoo!

terrorist fist bump.


You win.

Personally I don’t care if Dynasty was a troll or not that thread was an entertaining read.

I feel your obsession.

At first I thought that he was a 4Chan troll, but either he was the top of that art form or he was really a dumb kid. I’m leaning toward a dumb kid. I teach some people who would write things like that.

“Dumb” is like a Boston accent. It’s *really *hard to duplicate on purpose.

His OP seems believeable to me. I see shit like that from relatives in my inbox all the time, on Facebook, you name it. It didn’t quite go far enough for me to convince me it’s trolling. COULD be, but stupidity’s a pretty good explanation.

As for the “you can’t be racist if you aren’t white” bit, that’s a very common belief. At my university it was, in fact, school policy; they came up with a two-page-long definition of racism that essentially reduced it to “white guys being mean to everyone else.” It’s not at all unusual to hear people say it, and they’re not often nuanced about it.

So it MAY be trolling. But it also might not be. The question is this:

What’s the difference?

On average you’d be right, but there is no reason to be mean about it :slight_smile: