Okay, so I get a forward today from the mother-in-law. Normally I don’t like forwards but I thought I’d read it. Lo and behold the following was attached:
(The phone number was cut off in the forward)
This sets off my BS detector. First of all, how can dialing 90# while you’re on the phone do anything but give the caller an earache? I can understand entering a dialing code while at a dialtone – there are plenty of those, but even then I can’t see how there would be any way whatsoever to so simply “give” someone complete access to your telephone line using ordinary consumer DTMF tones. Even linesmen have special units that emit DTMF frequencies that normal people don’t have access to.
So what’s the deal? Was this another bogus “forward me” E-Mail? Is the whole 90# “scam” as bogus as I think it is?