Capitalizing words in song/book/show titles

In high-school English we were taught to capitalize, in titles, the first word, the last word, and any other important words in between–presumably excluding articles and prepositions.
What if it’s a verbal preposition? Like in the comic strip: Is it Bringing Up Father or Bringing up Father? Or a fictitious murder-mystery novel: Rigor Mortis Sets In Tonight, or Rigor Mortis Sets in Tonight?
Should prepositions thus used be capitalized?

<copyeditor hat on>

Yes, Dougie, if they are an integral part of the verb. Thus

Bringing Up Father


The Man Who Went up a Hill and Came down a Mountain

<copyeditor hat off>

Per newspaper style, no, though most newspapers cap anything of four letters or more regardless of part of speech. Most University presses and literary publishers seem to follow your style, however.

Thanks to both…:slight_smile: I wish I had asked my teachers (I was in high school in the 60s) about this matter…