Capture the Flag: 2158 *or* Short Legged Trousers

oh pish-tosh, the real issue is that the North American Cham-peenship is so damn insular, you guys forget the serious opposition the Korean League put forth in last week’s confrontation with the Carthaginians only to be sent home crying to their mamas. I mean, seriously, ‘Carthago Delendo’, my ass! And what about the Uzbeki developments with robocised infantry, “cannon fodder you can count on”! That Zentrig-prime model is one to watch!

My real concern is the watering down of the international competition. When Luxembourg was allowed to use clone contingents it was the beginning of the end. I know these guys aren’t on the front lines, but with the enhanced operations systems AND the new neural-net UIs, well, where’s the REAL competition? but I forget, you guys are still arguing over the Basby-Montezuma controversy. I don’t really have an opinion, but seriously, the gear-shift is on the left side of the Garguton cockpit, and she’s a committed righty, so HOW could she be guilty?

I didn’t buy shorts last week, but I do have a problem with losing my shorts, which is a real problem, cos I only have two pairs! Take yesterday for instance: I left my shorts on the dining table (cos I’m a slob, but at least I picked the shorts up, hunh?) and then I come home from work and lo! The shorts are gone!!! It seems MiL has put them out to wash, but cos we’re having freaky not-wet season but raining weather, they weren’t dry, so I’m wearing the other shorts with the rip in the thigh. Which is sexy, and I KNOW MiL was copping a gander, cos she’s into that sort of thing, but y’know… it was kinda cold! Well, not cold, cos it’s the tropics, but… I don’t know what my point was, I just needed to post about shorts.

But I do sympathise. I’m not a fan of shifting fashion sensabilities. I go to my fave jeans shop in Oz (I can’t stand the jeans they sell here) and discover the style of jeans I’ve been wearing for the last ten years is now ‘out of fashion’ so they don’t make or sell them anymore! What the hell am I s’sposed to do? Where do I find sexy black stretch metal-dude jeans now!!! Which means I’m reduced to keeping one ‘super-formal’ pair of jeans secreted away from the harsh atmosphere of mother earth and continue wearing jeans that are WAAAAY past their use-by dates. Ho hum… I just want clothes that stop changing every time I buy new ones! Blah blah blah

Ok, I promised Toyols (Ashes[sup]2[/sup], don’t fret, asian monsters can be scary, but I’m a tough manly-man, and I’ll educate y’all in matters archane without scarying the bejeezus out of ya).

So, the Toyol is the only one that I find kinda disturbing, that’s cos the Toyol is kind’ve like the Pontianac, which ISN’T a river you drive cars into, it’s a town in Malaysia. I’m sure they drive cars into the river there cos you know how teenagers get when there’s nothing to do: ‘ey, what to do lah?’ ‘D’kno, someting someting lah, anyting also can lah’ ‘wah, you so jalat, also can lah?’ ‘tida apa brutha, tida apa’ ‘okay lah, we jalan jalan uncle’s honda, can or not?’ ‘I say aleddy brother, can lah!’ ‘eh, so stylo, like Fandi!’ etc etc etc, until SPLOOSH! (which would have funky coding around it, but I couldn’t be arsed. If anyone wants to quote SPLOOSH they’re welcome, but it should be blue and big and possibly italicised!). Ok, so the car’s in the river and what happens next? I don’t know, I’m not in Pontianac!

…What? The Toyol? Where? Oh…

The Toyol is kinda like the Pontianac (the monster not the town) and is also kind’ve different. That’s why it’s got a different name, and it’s scary, cos it’s a kid! Y’see, the Toyol is the raised spirit of a kid who died too young, and it’s got powers like a Pontianac, but kind’ve more mysterious and more malevolent, but less dangerous. And… that’s all I can tell you.

And now you want to know why I left you hanging on that all week? Well… I had to have SOME kind’ve hook to bring you back, didn’t I? But sometimes the littlest things are the scariest, aren’t they?

(cue disturbing music for closing credits)
(no, NOT Haysi Fantayzee)
(well, yes it IS disturbing, but it’s not quite the feeling we’re going for)
(oh, just play the twilight zone theme on gamellons and stuff!)
(‘twilight’ in Latin is ‘advesperascerunt’, which literally means, ‘it is getting dark’)

[sup]Oh, here’s some real excitement! I drove past [/sup]the [sub]collapsed[/sub] bit [sup]of highway last night, but it was all walled off, so I couldn’t see anything, but it was exciting nonetheless…[/sup]

Okay. Even I didn’t understand him this time.

awwww… Kalley, and I used my super-bestest hand-writing er… typing, too!

Won’t somebody think of the puppies, the poor, poor puppies!
(they don’t get welfare y’know!).

I don’t usually wear shorts, not out anyway–'cept at the beach. I have a pair of denim shorts that fit me just right and a comfy pair of loose cotton stretchy ones that I wear at home. So I have not had to fret about shopping for shorts that I like. I’m way past the Daisy Dukes phase of my life. Ahhhh, to be 25 and wear short-shorts again–alas, not to be.

Personally the only reason I even watch Capture the Flag is cause of those burly, sweaty men in those tight tight uniforms. WOOF! You’d be amazed what they can be talked into after a couple beers following a particularly long game… errr… umm… mmmm… ok, now where was I?

I gotta agree with lighting about Old Navy. I’ve also found some decent shorts in there. Particularly those jersey type shorts that I like to wear around the house and work in the yard in. So comfy!

dangergene’s wearing shorts with a rip in the thigh. I think he needs to post a picture of himself in those shorts. All in favor, say “Aye.”

I went to the doctor yesterday. My cholestoral (that’s prolly not spelled right but I’m to lazy to look it up, so deal) is way down. YAY! I’m still taking the medicine but at a lower dose now. My blood pressure is well within normal range too. YAY! It was up some but he wanted to see if it could be corrected without meds. So, no HBP meds. YAY!

-swampbear (YAY!)

I know. It’s never a good idea to get you older folks all excited.

Rue, I’m not saying infantry is useless, I’m just saying it’s overrated. It’s perfectly understandable that some of you old schoolers remember the days when it was nothing BUT infantry, and that you resent the introduction of armor and close air support. But let’s face the facts: Since the introduction of armor and light vehicles the games have gotten much more multifacted, and it’s no longer a matter of which team is willing to soak up the most casualties. And you should recall that this came about becasue the Chinese International started the suicide charge thing because they have a virtually limitless supply of grunt soldiers to throw at the lines. Now that technology has a proper role, where are the Chinese, I ask you? Last place, that’s where!

FCM, UAV’s are good for recon, but after the action begins they’re not very useful. I understand that there will be a rule change proposed to allow the attachment of armament next season. If that happens, they’ll be more of a factor than they are now.

Exgineer, did you hear anything about the Minnesota team using gene modified animals?

so glad to hear your’e healthier, swampy. We don’t want no more scary thangs to happen like before (when was that, a year ago?)

Awwwwwwww… blush… thanks earthpuppy sweetie. Yep, it was just over a year ago I had my scare. I am also happy to post that I have not smoked in over a year now. YAY! I hadn’t thought about that til now.

As for the over all theme of blowing up stuff Capture the Flag, I got nuttin’ to add except for WOOF! all you burly sweaty men in those tight uniforms. Go Get Me… err Em!

Hmmph. No one noticed I was away last week. That’s love for you.

I’d try to participate in the sports discussion, but I’d fail miserably. Would anyone like to come and install our air conditioner? Mr. Lissar can’t for lack of the right tools. It’s a very manly thing to do!

I have given up on shorts. I am going to wear knee-lenth skirts and lightweight pants all summer. And black and dark purple- I will not give in to the pastel-and-shocking-pink forces of evil! In related news, Quasi-Daughter saw a 13 year old wearing something she described as a ‘denim tutu’. It was one of those miniskirts, butmade of denim, and pleated so it stuck almost straight out.

Do none of these girls have parents?

Old Navy is scary. Everything there (for women) is in bright floral print. I can’t wait for autumn.

Do we really need summer? I mean, think about it–the men can’t find shorts short enough, the women can’t find shorts long enough, and everyone has to deal with bright floral prints. It’s too hot to go outside, and the air conditioned air inside is very drying and plays havoc with your allergies. There are bugs of all sorts flying around, getting into the food, burning themselves on the halogen bulbs and scoring the big one by landing in your mouth. If the lawn doesn’t need to be watered, it needs to be mowed, and edged and maybe even weeded. And the flowers need to be picked or thinned or watered or weeded or something. You get all sweaty even when you’re not doing anything (and it’s too hot to do anything fun anyway, so you’re sweating for no good reason) and if you leave chocolate in your car, it melts. Why can’t we go directly to Fall?

Fall is lovely. The mornings are crisp and clear, the days mostly sunny but with a nice little breeze with just a hint of the far north. The trees are lovely, the stars are brighter, the apple cider is tart, there’s baseball and football, and life is good. Really, autumn is the way to go.

swampy, how can you tell that they’re burly when they’re in tight uniforms? They may very well be brawny and therefore, mine. It would be a terrible thing if you got yourself all healthy and stuff just to be taken down by a women defending her brawny men. I’m just saying, you hear?

I just dropped by to say “hello” to silenus and to insert a gratuitous mention of the 18"DHIBJD :eek: :eek: !

Okay, that’s about the fifth mention of " 18"DHIBJD " that I’ve seen today. What’s it mean?

I believe 18"DHIBJD is a reference to this thread:


If it’s all the same to you BelZarak I believe I’ll stick with the real thing. :smiley:

Kalley dear, not to worry. I have done extensive research and I know burly and sweaty even in tight uniforms. :wink:

Lissla why on earth would anybody in Canada need an air conditioner? :stuck_out_tongue:

-swampbear (all smileys)

If a burly man waxes his whole body, does he become a brawny man? Or is burly more than skin deep?

How do we feel about posters trying to hijack our thread with gratuitous references to their thread? We don’t pop up in threads and carry on our conversations. I say we turn the infantry on them and see how well a 18DHICJD stands up to that!

OK, the OP was bad enough but I definitely have nothing to in reference to that other thread.
I think I’m just going to have a quiet week.

You might want to stick the word “say” in my preceding post.
Or not, your call.

That’s the whole point of the MMP. To keep our hijacks to ourselves and let the other threads go about their own business. See, it’s a service. A service for which people should give us money. Or something.

“The OP was bad enough”? The OP was bad this week, dwyr? I’ll try to do better next week… sniff Any suggestions for next week’s so I can keep the quality up? sniff, sniff Or just a request? Anything but kittens, I don’t do kittens.

Hey, speaking of other threads (and this was an old one) today I was at the store and they had grapefruit spoons and those special bendy grapefruit knives. I thought of Ex. But I didn’t buy any since I wouldn’t know where to send them anyway. Ex, did you ever get your normal grapefruit sppons and special knives?

Did you know Fresca is grapefruit flavored? At least that’s what the can says. My Grandma drank that stuff all the time. It was bad. (Not as bad as TAB though.) I guess it still is, but I haven’t had it for a while.

You know what else I haven’t had in a long time? Raspberry or blueberry soda. That’s because I can’t find any. Maybe they (“They”) don’t make either of them. I don’t know. But they (“They”) should. With extra caffeine.

Also at the store they had a whole mess of bulk salt water taffy in many different flavors. I like salt water taffy. But I didn’t buy any. If I feel I’ve made a grave mistake I can always go back later. If I feel like it.

I love salt water taffy. But if you have any “dental work” you need to be careful. My mom lost a filling once while eating SWT she bought in San Francisco. It sort of ruins the fun of a trip when you start breaking teeth, don’t you think?