Car/racing books of the 1950s (YA)

I came to the genre a little late, but I read and loved many of the sportscar/carburetor love books of the 1950s or so. Lately, I’ve been trying to recall one book or series.

There was, of course, The Red Car.

There was the series about The Black Tiger.

I dimly recall a similar book or series, about a young hero driver and his special race car,* The White*… something. Any clues?
Fun fact: The Red Car (that’s the one about the graceful pinnacle of sports cars, the MG TC) was written by Don Stanford, better known as Leonard Wibberley, who wrote The Mouse That Roared and about half of the junior you-are-there history books we all read in that era. And is also, to my mild surprise, the author of the Black Tiger series under yet another pseudonym. (But there’s no “White…” in his listed bibliography, so that easy answer is out.)