They say we need to collaborate with others . Hey, others! Wanna win a prize?
I hope you read last year’s solution, which was…difficult.
Some of it. And hey, it got solved, right?
I’m in. Although, I didn’t find out there was a puzzle until today, mainly because the USPS somehow gave me the second pack on Saturday, and the first pack today.
I’m guessing Joseph Kony has something to do with it since his last name is mentioned in both the second packet description and one of the stickers in the second pack makes reference to the short film Kony 2012.
Whether one needs to see the movie, or just needs to concern oneself with the word “Kony”, or since the letters K-O-N-Y are directly above 2-0-1-2 and that may indicate a connection is not very clear at this point.
I’m on my fourth, and no Kony on either of the last two.
What do you think about the video code?
I just got my third today, so I don’t know what you mean by video code, unless you’re referring to the KONY 2012 thing. In which case, I don’t know yet.
One of my coworkers thinks the puzzle might have to do with the envelopes. However, I through the first two envelopes in the recycling bin, so he’s going to bring his in to work.
I mean the codes on the video. Looks like a substitution cypher, but no words have those patterns.
Man… I haven’t gotten a single package yet…
I’m in for the puzzle though… assuming I ever get something.
That must be really frustrating. I’d check in with them to make sure they have your address right. I got two packets in a day, then nothing for a day, then two more in a day. I guess you could start working on the video and see what you think of that.
They actually posted a Facebook status yesterday saying, in essence, be patient. So I’m trying to be so. I doubt the puzzle gets solved in December anyway, so I don’t begrudge the small head start.
I’ve gotten 3 of them so far… I forgot about the puzzle, but I do have everything still in their envelopes - maybe I subconsciously knew about the puzzle ;). I’m game to try to solve it!
So I FINALLY got the first two today. Just to confirm that mine were no different… Number one was a personalized card and number two was a Comics page.
Has anybody tried to work out the tumble from the comics page. I’m assuming it’s not a “jumble” but some sort of other puzzle (Or a red herring, or just a joke about “jewishisms” and I’m reaching too hard)