Carly Fiorina announces presidential campaign

She claims to “know how the economy works” by having been a CEO.

I say we give her an Econ 101 test and see how well she fares.

Then someone should tell her that the government doesn’t operate like a corporation.

She runs the gamut from A to B.

She’d probably do fine on an Econ 101 test. But yeah, the government doesn’t run like a corporation. It doesn’t run like the military, either. It’s scary to think that people believe they can go from nothing (in government) to president in one step. I was nervous about Obama with his lack of experience but at least he had some.

The final stages of this sad affliction includes ‘Running a government budget is exactly like running a household budget’.

Also, how many people are going to be in the GOP debates? I think between people that have announced and poeple that at least have exploratory committees, we’re up to nearly 20 candidates.

Losing a senate race by 1 Million votes might discourage a lesser ego. Her sole adviser must be a magic 8 ball.

She got pwned in a TV appearance by Mika Brzezinski. That’s like losing a Best Hair contest to Donald Trump.

There was an article a few months ago that ascribed the reasoning behind so many long-shot candidates to be the fact that their advisors are all people that stand to get paid very well if the person runs.

So she might be better off asking a magic 8 ball.

Although I’m not a fan of completely reducing a CEO’s performance to market performance, it should be considered. And HP underperformed the market by a factor of 5 during her tenure (S&P500 down 11%, HP down 55%).

Does she have any points in her favor?

They got rid of her.

God, I love that. Genius.

Many of those will be winnowed out by the various straw polls and such, and by the financial oxygen being sucked up by a handful of major figures, before going too deep into the debate season. And the RNC is known to want to avoid a repeat of the late-2011/early 2012 debate season and its Parade Of Embarassments so they should have people working on how to achieve that.

So, “I think I’m the best person for the job because I understand how the economy actually works.” Oh and she’s not Hillary. Quite the platform. I suspect her campaign will be - pure Fiorinal.

Perhaps even more importantly, there’s a hell of a lot more to being head of state and government than understanding economics.

I mean, that’s really great, but there’s a reason no major economist you can think of became President (or Prime Minister if they’re British, or whatever) - being a politician is a different job. Saying you can be President because you understand how a business works is like saying I can win the Grand Prix of Monaco because I know cars can go really fast.

A President has to be a politician. You can have the best economic ideas in the world but if you can’t get enough voted in Congress to pass the legislation needed to implement your ideas, what the hell difference does it make? How does it help you when Vladimir Putin is pulling some shit in the Baltic states and 20 NATO countries are all bickering about what to do about it? What about when a reporter puts you on the spot on your position on late term abortions? What do you do when you look in your appointment calendar and, in the next two weeks, 146 representatives and senators all want to come ask you for pork? Holy shit, here comes your biggest campaign donor, whaddya do now? Oh, Madam President, the governor of North Carolina (swing state!) is on the line and he wants more money for blah blah blah. Will you approve Keystone XL? You’ll piss off a million people if you do. You’ll piss off a million people if you don’t. Holy shit, there’s an al-Qaida leader out in the open, this is our chance to kill him, do we send the drone in? Madam President, please put the economics textbook down and tell us what to do!

Thanks for sharing that. Whoever did that deserves an Oscar!

She worked her way up from Management Trainee to become the first woman to be the CEO of a Fortune 20 company.

Worked her way up to become CEO of one of the worlds largest tech firms vs. a woman who is so stupid that she doesn’t even know that her device is capable of being able to receive more than one email account. That’s accepting that she’s telling the truth about why she kept a private email server. So, In saying that Clinton is one of the stupidest women to ever have sought office I’m actually being generous to her.

Hilarious Clinton’s only accomplishment is having married a lecherous pig.

Republicans, listen to this poster! Nominate “only-political-experience-is-a-crappy-failed-Senate-run” Carly, claim that Hillary is very stupid, and insult her very-popular ex-president husband. What a winning combination!

Let’s be clear: Fiorina is a terrible candidate. But it’s because of what she’s done rather than what she’ll say. She’s actually pretty mainstream and noncontroversial, so while her qualifications don’t merit the Presidency, she’s not going to make the GOP look bad. SHe’ll be generally uninteresting and that’s about it.

Eh, we already have plenty of evidence confirming the Peter Principle; one more anecdote is hardly significant.

Hillary is either stupid or a liar. Pick one. I was trying to be generous. GAWD!

I hope someone without the vile stink of Washington politics gets the nomination. Carson and Fiorina fit that bill.